Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tuesday 12, 2015 Tuesday

Get Fit
How about a weight workout today.  If you don't have weights grab a couple of cans from the food closet or water bottles and do some lifts, curls and rows.  Do a few squats and whatever you can remember for your legs while holding the weights.  Try and do 2 repetitions of 10 each to start.

Get Faith
2 Samuel 9 - I don't recall this story, but I love the message.  King David took in his friend Jonathon's son, who would also be the grandson of King Saul that David had defeated.  The boy's name was Mephibosheth and he was lame in both feet.  King David, because of his love for his friend Jonathon gave the boy the grandfathers inheritance and had him eat at his table - always.  I hope I would be that person that David was, how about you?

On this day:
1980 - This was a busy year and this day was interesting for my friends and family especially.  My boss Jim was off work in Gaylord with his parents, I don't remember if they lived up there.  Chris?  My friend Waynette called me about a canoe trip?  Really?  Waynette?  AND my step dad called from Gaylord their new beautiful barn burned down.  Now I know most of you don't journal, but when you get a day like this - you realize why you do.  I love to remind people of things that are often forgotten.  Life is important.

2003 - In Texas, fifty-nine Democratic lawmakers went into hiding over a dispute with Republican's over a congressional redistricting plan. Reading this way it will go down in history as a plot to murder. Gotta love the media.

Last week when their was rioting there was a video of a mom that had gone into the street to retrieve her son from the ruckus.  She was slapping him up along side his head and although I don't know what she was saying, I can imagine.  She chased him back I'm assuming to his home.  God Bless Mom's.  Her son will probably have a longer life due to her diligence.  Hope she had a great Mothers Day.  What do you think?

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

     I tried walking with my hands folded in front of me in like a prayerful trance.  I tried to keep a serene look on my face as if I had just spent time with the Lord.  I tried to walk a straight, non- hip swinging walk and wear my hair combed straight down, in a plain manner.  It was an extreme effort on my part.
Las Tunas Cuba Music:

Teatro Tunas

entertainment-nightlife / Other

Teatro Tunas information

Las Tunas , Cuba
cnr Francisco Varona & Joaquín Agüera
This is a recently revitalized theater that shows quality movies and some of Cuba's best touring entertainment including flamenco, ballet and plays.
Here is something to do today in Cuba!  Let's go!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Ty, Tommy & Jenny!

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