Sunday, May 3, 2015

May 3, 2015 Sunday

Get fit  I need a day of rest.  Walked a lot yesterday up and down hills.  Will probably still try to get some yard work in today.

Get Faith I was at a place yesterday where  a lot of people got their faith.  It is a beautiful piece of land that you can feel God's presence and hear His voice in the trees and feel His presence in the Spirit.  Holy Sacred ground.  We prayed at many places and sang songs of praise to thank Him for the glory of his beautiful land. We are sent forth to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

On this Day
1975 - It was Orthodox Easter and I went with Pete and his family to the Russian Orthodox Church.  I loved the midnight service, it was so meaningful and involving.  I must be a religion junkie.  I love to experience the different ways that people pray, praise and worship.  God deserves it, He is awesome!

1966 - The game "Twister" was featured on the "Tonight Show" with Johnny Carson. While the rest of the country was involved in Vietnam, war protests, race riots etc.  Nero fiddled.

Spent the day with Nicole at Michiluca for the closing ceremony of this glorious camp of 51 years.  She had been a camper here and had served in many capacities.  She played camp music at the campfire that always made me cry.  I never felt worthy of God's love, but here at this place he rewarded me with a daughter who was faithful and true to loving and serving her God and was given the opportunity to continue his work at youth camps by running Stony Lake Camp.  She is now a leader, a person that will pass on this great faith to others - keep playing that camp music!

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

I don’t remember whose bedroom, upstairs we went in, but there was like a quilted bedspread on the bed and we went into the area between the bed and the wall and she brought someone’s double edge razor out and showed me how to drag it up my leg to remove that peachy, light colored fuzz off of my calves. It was like committing a mortal sin and fun.   We giggled and laughed at our big secret.  There was no soap or water or anything else, except the metal box of band aids which came in pretty handy when I was finished.  Of course what I didn’t know at the time is there is no going back, the next growth came in darker, longer and heavier than ever before, gone was the fair colored fuzz.  She taught me a lot of things, maybe her sister had taught her, but I didn’t have a sister so she was just as good.
Las Tunas Cuba
The Las Tunas province was established in 1976, when it was split from the 'Oriente Province.
The southern coast, which opens onto the Gulf of Guacanayabo, is marshy and characterised by mangroves. This wet area is used to grow sugarcane, as the wet climate is well suited for the crop.
Cattle are also grazed in the province, which was, until 1975, part of the Oriente province that was divided into five smaller provinces by the Cuban government. The city of Las Tunas was just a small market town until that year, and a large development program was started to modernise the town and connect it by road to Havana.[citation needed]

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable! 

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