Thursday, May 14, 2015

May 14, 2015 Thursday #passingjudgment/babies/Cuba

Get Fit
Kathy Smith and I did some warm up and aerobics this morning.  Even if you get in the habit of doing a few stretches when you get up in the morning you will notice a difference AND drink that water!

Get Faith Luke 18: 9-14
This is about the tax collector and the Pharisee both going to the temple to pray.  The Pharisee from a stand of righteousness the tax collector asking for forgiveness.  Pray from where and who you are, there is not a "right" way to pray, but what is in your heart is what God wants to hear from you.  He already knows your heart, he just wants to make sure you do.  The study writer closed with this- We don't get closer to God by passing judgment on others.

On this day:
1985 - Two days past my due date with Nicole and done nesting, except I went and bought a flat of pink flowers for the yard.  Waiting.  What did you do while you were waiting?

1985 - The first McDonald's restaurant became the first fast-food business museum. It is located in Des Plaines, Illinois. Wish I had a dollar for how many happy meals I have bought.

On TV this morning a couple had (I think) their 19th child.  I can't imagine.  How many do you have, do you think you had too many or not enough?  How do you support emotionally and financially that many children?  Lots of subject for conversation there.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

     One day, after the 12 block walk from my school to Arnold’s I walked through the black wrought iron gate and hooked it behind me.  When I entered the door Sister Sam was waiting for me.  She said something had changed and took me to Anna’s room.  Sister told me the angels had taken Anna home last night and she handed me the little jewelry box of items that Anna had left.  She wanted me to have it, there was no other family.  Some discolored pearls, a small scarf to wear on her head to church, and a few piece of odds and ends.  That was all she had, no family, no children or friends to mourn her.  I was devastated.  But at least Anna was old and she had told me she was prepared to die.  I had no doubt a sweet lady like her would go straight up to heaven.   The Lutheran Pastor told me that.  I began to learn that death is part of life.

Las Tunas Cuba

Las Tunas

The province of Las Tunas, situated between Camagüey, Holguín and Granma, is famous for its quiet, untouched beaches, rural “cowboy” culture and diverse array of events, including Cuba’s biggest campesino music festival, Latin America’s only magic conference and a month-long sculpture exhibit.
The provincial capital, the city of Las Tunas, has been dubbed El Balcón del Oriente (The Balcony of the Oriente), thanks to its location, marking the divide between western and eastern Cuba – both geographically and culturally. Also commonly known as the “City of Sculptures,” the city streets are decorated with more than 100 sculptures.
Las Tunas Province also has its share of shimmering sand, turquoise waters and colourful coral, most notably at Covarrubias Beach, on the Atlantic coast. Nearby is the province’s second-largest city, Puerto Padre, which is known for its sugar mills and a history dating back to the 16th century. Love these pictures!  Now I really want to be there!

Read more:

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Kyle!!

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