Monday, May 18, 2015

May 18, 2015 Monday #absendbloodcatseyeskull

Get Fit
Tammy and I did some abs and arms this morning.  Start the week off strong if you didn't hurt yourself over the weekend. 

Get Faith
Romans 13:10-14  When I read anything about the end of days or the day is near it reminds me that people pass from this life everyday.  Young and old, rich and poor, Christians and non Christians, it is even more compelling than paying taxes.  I don't get excited about "the end of the world".  I have also lived a life that reflects all of the things the Bible tells us not to do.  I believe I have broken every commandment.  But, I have come to realize how big God's heart is and how immense His compassion is and I know he saved me in Jesus Christ's death.  So, I try to live a better life and if I can pass on His message through this blog and my life action - great!

On this day
2000 - I went to give blood and it took forever to get a 1/2 bag out of me.  I suggested hanging me by my ankles but they said no.  I since learned to drink a lot of water and it will run out like a faucet.  There is a terrible shortage of blood right now and if you can - go do it.

1642 - Montreal, Canada, was founded. I spent a regrettable 5 days here once. 

Many of my friends have pets for children - dogs or cats etc.  It is a suitable substitute I think.  My daughter is leaving me with her "son" for the summer.  That makes me grandma I suppose.  As good as my daughter was as a child "her" son is the opposite.  That little boy cat is the hardest child I have had in my lifetime.  So cute. (smile)

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

To the right was a large formal dining room with a huge table and many chairs.  If I had to move that furniture I would tell you it was permanent.  Unmovable.  There was a multitude of china cabinets around the room with dishes and all kinds of Knick knacks.  There was an empty glass vase in the center of the table with a big white doily under it, begging to be filled with flowers.  It was ready for a huge group of people to come in and have a meal.
Las Tunas Cuba

Fluoride with Argon used in Ophthalmology

Inhabitants from  Las Tunas  with refractive disorders (myopia) had to go to Havana to receive medical treatment. Now, patients with this type of ailment receive the treatment in the modern ophthalmology center launched in October 2008, at the provincial hospital Dr. Ernesto Guevara.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

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