Tuesday, October 31, 2017

October 31, 2017 #BuildmuscleBuildfaithBuildneighborsRoadtrip!

Get Fit
What muscles are most helpful/important when you're old?
The answer is legs and lower back! Now get busy!

Get Faith
2 Peter 1:2 "May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord." The key here is "in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord." The best way to have the peace and understanding that you would like to have is to go to the Word - the Bible. If you build your knowledge your faith will be sustained. Today is the 500th anniversary of Luther's 95 Thesis that gave us the ability and freedom to learn our faith on our own. Take advantage of that.

On this day
2008 I always hand out candy, and I usually make chili. On this day - my sister Jan came over and Al from across the street and we had dinner and passed out candy. I like to go visit the neighbor dogs and give them treats as well. I was going to pass on all of that today but Nicole is coming home, bought candy and will keep the "spirits" going. Happy Halloween!

2008 - Distribution Video Audio, Inc. shipped its final shipment of VHS tapes to stores. The company was the last major United States supplier of pre-recorded VHS tapes. do you still have yours?  My vcr just at my last tape.  

Great Falls road trip to Hudson Bay Canada!
We will be heading NE on 87 up to Canada today on our way to Hudson Bay.  Enjoy the trip.
Chouteau county!  Beautiful!
  Loma Montana
montana smalltown summerday bigsandy homeofthepioneers Here we are in Big Sandy!
blue usa brown white mountain snow color colour america montana mt prairie 2012 canadagood thisdecade Pretty country!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Monday, October 30, 2017

October 30, 2017 Monday #eatright#healthyfearstupidfear#takepictures!

Get Fit
Fiber and Allergy Prevention | dailyRxWhat you eat can help your waistline!

Get Faith
Proverbs 14:26-27  "In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, and His children will have a place of refuge.  The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life."  When you have a fear of the Lord I think it means that you believe He is watching you.  He is involved with seeing what you are doing and what might hurt you.  A healthy fear is that because He is watching, maybe He will punish you if you err.  If you believe that much than you have a healthy start on your faith building.

On this day
2004  I was up north with Mom at Andy and Alice's house.  It started out to be a beautiful day, 66 degrees, so I took a nice walk and then sat out on the deck behind their house.  It started getting cooler and cloud covered.  We went to visit my cousin Don and Mary at their place and the weather continued to get windier.  By the time we got back to Andy's the wind had knocked out the power.  I got a call from Nicole.  She was home alone, and had been watching Halloween movies and the power at home went  out.  I always said "be careful what you put in your head".  Fear, lol.

1817 - The independent government of Venezuela was established by Simon Bolivar. Another good answer for Jeopardy, at least I recognize this name.

Great Falls Montana

Make sure you get some good pictures for your scrapbook!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Sunday, October 29, 2017

October 29, 2017 Sunday#Faithavailable#gotoverit#Czolgosz#Historylesson!

Get Faith
Reformation day for us Lutherans. To become part of the church eternal, try being part of the church now.  Your faith is your ticket to heaven.  "The righteous will live by faith".  So if your faith needs some work, if you question whether you will go to heaven - then strengthen your faith by doing what Luther gave us the ability to do - by making the Bible - The Word of God available to everyone, read it alone AND in study with others who know The Word.   John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."   Thank you Martin Luther for taking the faith out of the hands of few and putting it into the hands of many.

On this day
2003  It was a chilly rainy Autumn day, depressing.  I called Mom and Andy and Alice.  Nicole was in her first year at Albion, had only moved there a couple months before and hadn't really adjusted to it yet.  Like many of her friends that went to the same school, Nicole knew no one there and her room mate was even more home sick than Nicole was.  She called me and after talking a while she said she had quit basketball.  She loved basketball and had been noticed by Albion for her basketball skills and given a scholarship but, for what ever reason she quit.  I was concerned and wondered what the factors involved were but sometime it is better to let your child learn their own path without digging into it for them.  Nicole is strong and found her way around and stuck it out.  She later made many friends there and was involved in intramural sports, and then the Ski and Snowboard club and then played Lacrosse for Albion's team.  I just felt so heartsick for her on this day, maybe her growing pains.

1901 - Leon Czolgosz, the assassin of U.S. President McKinley, was electrocuted. Lucky for him they invented electricity huh?

Great Falls Montana

This museum / interpretive centre for the Lewis and Clarke expedition is very well done and a credit to all that have been and are now involved. Our volunteer guide was Larry, and he explained everything with some much enthusiasm and knowledge, there was wasn't a question he couldn't answer. The re-creations of the journey they took and the challenges they faced, is hard to believe they made it back home again. The design for the centre blends in to the landscape on the side of the riverbank. I'm not sure ANYONE these days could emulate the journey they did and for the length of time the expedition took and still survive. Truly a remarkable achievement. Well worth visiting when you are in Montana.
Show less

Saturday, October 28, 2017

October 28, 2017 Saturday #Getgoing!#Helovesyou!#Blessingsandcurses#SHOP!

Get Fit
So!  it's Saturday, what is your plan today!?  Work to be done around the house?  Social engagements?  Sport events.  Will you be a participant or watching someone else participate?  Get off your duff and get involved in life.  A little or a lot, whatever you can do. 

Get Faith
Psalm 147:11 "The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love."  I love the thought that the Lord is delighted in me.  Like a parent or grandparent that beams at the sight of your face.  I think now, how when I walked into the residence where Mom last stayed (and I went most every day) how her face lit up when she saw me.  What a thrill to think that God looks at us like that.  When he sees your face - he marvels at His amazing creation and loves your individual charm.  We are blessed.

On this day
2001  Here is why I know God loves me.  On this day I took the high school Sunday school class.  You get a buy into heaven if you take on this class!  Oh, we aren't saved by works, but I'm sure God recognizes those who tackle this job.  It also said the Craig joined us at church, well that does it for me.  I love Craig like he's my own.  Later, at home, I went over to see my neighbor's car that he was giving me a real deal on.  Love thy neighbor!  After that I planted daffodil bulbs.  Now, that might sound like an industrious thing to do, but now I know why I have so many daffodils in my yard.  That was 16 years ago and I have been trying to get rid of them ever since.  They take over your garden the entire summer.  Blessings and curses.

1636 - Harvard College was founded in Massachusetts. The original name was Court of Massachusetts Bay Colony. It was the first school of higher education in America. Remember this for Jeopardy!

Great Falls Montana
This has been a great place to investigate!  Just a few more days, let's shop!

Charcoal Pick Up Chicks Montana T-ShirtI am buying this shirt!  

Huckleberry Jam - 11 oz. JarAnd this
Horseshoe Nail Necklaceoboy!  Great stuff here!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Friday, October 27, 2017

October 27, 2017 Friday #unansweredprayers#nodecor#RoadhouseDiner!

Get Faith
Psalm 40:1,3  "I waited patiently for the Lord: He inclined to me and heard my cry....  He put a new song in my mouth, a son of praise to our God."  Have you been praying for something for a long time or waiting for an answer to a prayer?  God hears our prayers and in His way, in His time answers our prayers.  Unfortunately sometime the answer is no.  Garth Brooks had a song out a few years back with a line that says "sometimes God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers"  , and for good reasons.

On this day
2000  Raise your hand if you have ever taken kids to a haunted house or maze or whatever.  Those things terrify me so I would drive and then sit in the car in the parking lot.  On this day I helped take 18 kids to a thing called Trilogy of  Terror.  Yep, I sat in the car.  I was really bad this year and didn't even get down the Halloween decorations!  Not my favorite thing.

1659 - William Robinson and Marmaduke Stevenson became the first Quakers to be executed in America. 
William Robinson and Marmaduke Stevenson, two Quakers who came from England in 1656 to escape religious persecution, are executed in the Massachusetts Bay Colony for their religious beliefs. The two had violated a law passed by the Massachusetts General Court the year before, banning Quakers from the colony under penalty of death  So much for freedom of religion.

Great Falls Montana

  • Menu

Roadhouse Diner

126 reviews on Yelp
American Restaurant
Open Now·11:00 AM - 8:00 PM
We have the best burgers around! We cut, grind and hand-patty all of our burgers in-house - that way it's always fresh, never frozen! Our bread is grown, milled  and baked right here in Montana. Our french fries and home fries are freshly cut and made in-house, and we get our potatoes right here in the Big Sky State! We make our own House-made sauces that top our burgers. We believe that our customers can taste the difference - that's why we make many things in-house, prep fresh food every day, and never buy anything frozen. Giving our customers the best burger experience they could get - from first bite to last - is always our mission. That's why we grind our beef several times a day and serve it up fresh. The best part? Your beef comes from the same animal. Not bits and pieces mushed together - we grind from one cut of beef at a time - we never mix our meat. Each grind is different, so the ratios can vary from 80/20 to 85/15. We top it all off with quality products and bread harvested/baked right here in Montana  How does this sound for dinner!  Hope they got a good beer to go with it!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sandy 

Thursday, October 26, 2017

October 26, 2017 Thursday #Workoutforwonderfulresults#Pray#forbetterroads#buffalodrop!

Get Fit
Warrior, plank, downward facing dog etc.  The sheet with 12 exercises are the best thing in the world!
When I went to church for Bible study after I first lapped the gym a few times before sitting for a couple of hours.  It helps

Get Faith
James 5:16  "The earnest prayer of a righteous man has great power and wonderful results."  As it happens Pastor talked about the book of James this morning.  We are actually studying Lutheranism, in honor of the 500 year Reformation. and of course Martin Luther.  (not king)  Luther was not a fan of James because he had just stated that people can do nothing to save themselves while the Catholic (Roman) church was selling indulgences to people who wanted to get into heaven.  James speaks a lot on good works, which is not wrong - Luther had just convinced people that you are saved by faith and not works, which is true.  Read it yourself.  And always pray!

On this day
1999  This is a pet peeve of mine.  Our roads are so bad and the contractors need to be held accountable.  Little Mack here by me in this year was ripped out from 10 Mile to 12 Mile and replaced.  They have had to do sections of it over and over again.  It was my road to work so I remember how often I had to detour.  I probably calmed down by Nicole's basketball game after work which Waynette and Aunt Jan came to watch too.  Then I went to church for Christmas crafts, wow.
Can you say overachiever?

1774 - The First Continental Congress of the U.S. adjourned in Philadelphia. Like to have been a fly on the wall for that, huh?  Well maybe not.

Great Falls Montana
Great Falls
Or walk into the past of the Northern Plains at First People’s Buffalo Jump, where Native Americans used to stampede buffalo over cliffs. Visitors can also take advantage of a wide array of outdoor recreation opportunities. With a fantastic view of the Missouri River, the 24-mile River's Edge Trail is great for walking, biking, in-line skating or jogging. Bird watchers will enjoy the Benton Lake Wildlife Refuge, and hiking, biking and camping opportunities in nearby mountain ranges offer even more outdoor fun.  wow I think the ASPCA would have said something about that!!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Michelle A and Nicky!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

October 25, 2017 Wednesday #Godisforus!andhasallourpictures!

Get Fit
Leg workout, jumping jacks, hamstring stretches, lunges, squats.  You know, squats are one of the best things you can do to keep from being stuck in a chair with using your hands to pull yourself up.  I need this!  Keep your legs strong and of course walk!

Get Faith
Romans 8:31 "If God be for us, who can be against us?"  Really this is all you need to remember for today... and tomorrow, etc. 

On this day
1995  It was picture day at school.  Nicole would have been 10 and Aaron would  have been in senior year or out of high school starting Oakland.  I love looking through the albums and seeing the changes in the kids as they grow up.  The pictures are not too expensive until you get to those graduation pictures.  Then, because it is your child, you love all the pictures and THEY are real expensive! 

1812 - During the War of 1812, the U.S. frigate United States captured the British vessel Macedonian.   I'm confused, why would a British ship be called the Macedonian?

Great Falls Montana
Anaconda Hills
Enjoy yourself at our two beautiful golf courses Anaconda Hills and Eagle Falls.
Anaconda Hills Golf Course
2400 Smelter Avenue
Black Eagle Montana
Eagle Falls Golf Club
1025 25th Street North
Great Falls, Montana
Looks beautiful but the name Anaconda would have me looking around.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Diann

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

October 24, 2017 Tuesday #Closeandsafeandwellanddiagnosedrest

Get Fit
Woke up with a sore hip so I tried AM yoga.  That can usually stretch out any kinks.  It helped but I may have to go see Bill, my chiropractor.  Sometimes I think I get a pain as an excuse to see him.  Great guy!  Bender Chiropractic in Clinton Twp on Harper.

Get Faith
Psalm 16:1  "Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge."  This is a good prayer to start every morning with.  I often pray, keep me close, so that I don't forget His goodness and wonder off to places where I need to pray "keep me safe".  Our God is our refuge.

On this day
1994  I was working at Clancy's which answers a lot of questions about my health.  I talked to Andy and noted in my journal "diverticulitis", which one of us it doesn't mention.  Mom, Andy and I all had issues with this.  Family can be a good source of taking care of your own health.  Very often common illnesses like digestive, arthritis, high blood sugar or diabetes, etc can be a warning sign to you if someone else in your family has been diagnosed.  The important thing is to consult your doctor and start taking precautions for yourself to avoid problems.  I wish I had paid more attention.  Nicole was taking Karate classes which probably helped her deal with the divorce of Mark and I.  It would maybe give her a feeling of control and strength and an outlet for anger.  Whatever, she is fine now.

1632 - Scientist Anthony van Leeuwenhoek was born in Delft, Holland. He created the first microscope lenses that were powerful enough to observe single-celled animals. Wow 1632, this is an amazing thing and I am sure has paid off in many aspects, especially health issues.

Great Falls Montana

Visiting Great Falls

Cycling on River's Edge Trail
Welcome to Great Falls – a community with grand traditions, rich history and superb recreational and cultural amenities for the entire family. When you visit, take a moment and remember to reflect on the fact that you're walking in the footsteps of Lewis and Clark, the Blackfeet Indians, the buffalo and the grizzly bear.
There is plenty to keep you and your family busy during your stay. Great Falls’ boasts over 57 parks and 40 miles of River’s Edge Trail along the scenic Missouri River. The City’s premier park, "Gibson Park" features live music during summer months, a walking path, a playground, as well as a duck pond. The community’s skate park and dog park are popular attractions and with four golf courses (two public and two private) – even the golf fanatics in the family will have plenty to do!
Outdoor enthusiasts will delight in the opportunities that are waiting here in Great Falls. From hiking, mountain biking, running, kayaking to snowmobiling, skiing and snowshoeing – the outdoor adventures are endless. Baseball fans can enjoy a game at Centene Stadium where the Great Falls Voyagers play as part of the Pioneer League.
Great Falls offers arts, cultural and live entertainment. Peruse some of our country’s finest contemporary and western art at the Paris Gibson Square Museum of Art and the C.M. Russell Museum. The Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center and the First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park offer opportunities to explore Montana’s rich heritage and history. The Children’s’ Museum offers educational and interactive opportunities for children of all ages. The Mansfield Center for Performing Arts has a full calendar of performances to enjoy during your visit.  The Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center looks great!  Let's go!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable  Happy Birthday to Sue and Sandra!

Monday, October 23, 2017

October 23, 2017 Monday #TheexwivesmusclesFaithand UFO'sclub

Get Fit
I guess I plan on starting big on Monday after a day of rest.  I did the Abs and Arms workout.  You can get some weights, work out the biceps and triceps, the shoulders and the pecs and then get down and do some sit ups.  Same thing!

Get Faith
Psalm 37:18-19  "The days of the blameless are known to the Lord, and their inheritance will endure forever.  In times of disaster they will not wither."  I see in this that if we build up experiences of doing the Lord's will, finding good in others and sharing what we can that our faith gets stronger as we learn more and get closer to God.  Then when the really bad things come along - you can handle it because you have stored Him up in your heart.  I thank God for my faith.

On this day
1993 -    It was a Saturday and I had started working at Clancy's about a month before. So on this day I cleaned house, checked out the rummage sale at church, came home cleaned the garage while Nicole went to a haunted house with the Nieto family.  Cathy brought Aaron and Rachelle over and the kids played while Cathy and I had wine.  So, I always refer to Cathy as "my ex wife".  It was easier than saying my husband's ex wife which had a connotation of being bad - where mine was a chosen inclusive caring name.  We still laugh about it and are still "we raised kids together" kind of friends.  At this time Mark had left and Cathy and I found a new camaraderie as ex wives.

1993 - Joe Carter (Toronto Blue Jays) became only the second player to end the World Series with a homerun.  And now you know who won the 93 world series!

Great Falls Montana
The Mariana UFO Incident occurred in August 1950 in Great Falls. Nicholas "Nick" Mariana, the general manager of the Great Falls "Electrics" minor-league baseball team, and his secretary observed two "bright, silvery spheres" move rapidly over the city's empty baseball stadium. Mariana used his camera to film the objects; the film was one of the first ever taken of a suspected UFO. The incident received widespread national publicity and is regarded as one of the first great UFO incidents in the United States. In 2007, the Great Falls White Sox were renamed as the Great Falls Voyagers to commemorate this event. The team logo features a green alien in a flying saucer.  It was investigated and refuted by some.  The Air Force and the CIA looked into it.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Sunday, October 22, 2017

October 22, 2017 Sunday#cutelittleoliveplants#TheLodge#Horseshow#winterinGreatFalls

Get Faith
Psalm 128:1-3  "Blessed is every one who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways,  When you eat the labor of your hands, you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you.  Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house, your children like olive plants all around your table."  Sorry but this arouses funny thoughts in my head.  I pictured a table of greenery people sitting around a dining room table with little olive plant children and they were eating things from the garden which in this case seems like cannibalism - but they are all very happy!  You are what you eat!  Joy to the world!  And, we are blessed!

On this day
I was still working for Quality a couple days a week to pay for our health care.  On this day I worked at one of the Frames and Framing Stores which were retail outlets, one in West Bloomfield and the other in Birmingham.  Not sure which one.  I did really enjoy working those stores.  When I got home Mark had made dinner and Marty and Dave  came over to eat. (Not surprising - Mark was a great cook) Ty stopped by later.  It was why my house was referred to as the Lodge.  I guess it kinda still is.

1883 - The New York Horse show opened. The first national horse show was formed by the newly organized National Horse Show Association of America. This must have been after the ban about any kind of gambling or horse shows from an earlier year.

Great Falls Montana
Great Falls in the winter. The Missouri river and Flag Hill are pictured leftmost with the downtown area to the right.
Great Falls in the winter. The Missouri river and Flag Hill are pictured leftmost with the downtown area to the right.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Katie M!

Saturday, October 21, 2017

October 21, 2017 Saturday#pilatesistake#hatchetburyingtoday#practicefun#Mermaids!

Get Fit
Oh my gosh, I forgot it was Saturday and I should do my AM yoga!  I did Pilates instead.  I hate when I step outside the box. I did enjoy the Pilates though.  What did you do?

Get Faith
Proverbs 100:12  "Hatred stirs old quarrels, but love overlooks insults."  Do you keep an old hatred going?  It is something that takes energy and thought.  You must be careful not to run into that person at places you might want to go like, family functions, etc.  If your paths cross at a social event you might be forced to speak with that person to save face or look like a horrible person and snubbing them.  Love does heal all if you can find a way to bury the hatchet.  I'm still digging a hole for the hatchet.

On this day
1989  Nicole and I had a busy day. First we went to Merri's volleyball game and then to Sean's birthday party at McDonald's.  Nicole grew up with cousins activities and a large social group of friends and their kids.  For a lot of her young life she thought they were all family.  I believe it is why she has great social skills in all situations.  Practice!

1797 - "Old Ironsides," the U.S. Navy frigate Constitution, was launched in Boston's harbor.  Wasn't there an old TV show about this?  c'mon!

Great Falls Montana
Arts and culture[edit]

Gibson Park

Mermaids swimming in the pool of the Sip 'n' Dip lounge in Great Falls
Great Falls has a symphony orchestra, founded in 1959, which generally offers multiple concert series throughout the year, also sponsoring a Youth Orchestra, the Cascade String Quartet, the Chinook Winds Quintet, other chamber ensembles and an educational outreach program. Well-known performers brought in to perform with Great Falls Symphony have included Yo-Yo Ma, Itzhak Perlman, Midori, Joshua Bell, James Galway, Christopher Parkening and Evelyn Glennie.[51]

The community also is notable for the unique Sip 'n Dip Lounge, a tiki bar located downtown in the O'Haire Motor Inn. Built in 1962, it features an indoor swimming pool visible through a window in the bar where women dressed as "mermaids" swim underwater. In 2003, GQ Magazine rated the lounge as one of the top 10 bars in the world,[52] and the #1 bar in the world "worth flying for".[53] With the added feature of an octogenarian piano player named "Piano Pat," noted for her "unusual covers" of songs by Frank Sinatra and other performers of the 1960s, Frommer's travel guide calls it "one of the kitschiest, wackiest, and flat-out coolest nightspots, not just in Montana, but in the entire West."[54]

This is our destination tonight!!!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Linda Z and Millie!!

Friday, October 20, 2017

October 20, 2017 Friday #Workout!#forgive#LSCORA#NOLA#819thRedHorse!

Get Fit
Been working out the legs and arms with weights this week and today the Pilates ring.  Squats with a resistance band around the legs gives an extra push.  Cmon! You know you feel better when you work out regularly!

Get Faith
Matthew 6:12  "Our Father.... forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors."  This is so hard.  I have been carrying a grudge on someone for almost 40 years and it haunts me, now it has been compounded and I let it really upset me.  My thoughts toward them are so angry and I need to resolve it.  I can say I forgive but it keeps popping back up and reminding me that I haven't yet forgiven them.  Do you have something in your life that is dragging you down? That you can't get rid of?  Let's pray.

On this day
1988  I worked at Quality Picture Frame Company on this day, Chris was in Las Vegas.  I checked orders to see if everything was progressing.  There is nothing worse than a customer coming in to pick up a beloved family heirloom and having it not be finished.  Family pictures are treasures.  When I left the shop it says I stopped at some customers, mostly photo studios, HA Powell, Leo Knight and at Somerset Mall.  I enjoyed the camaraderie with the people we provided framing for.  When I got home I went for a walk around the block with Nicole, now 3 years old, she was probably on some type of riding tricycle or something.  I stopped to see Rose next door and she talked Nicole into staying for dinner with her boys - Josh and David.  I went home grabbed some dinner and mailed out voting ballots for Lake St Clair Offshore Racing Assn.  Because I was the newsletter editor and had the mailing info I also got this job.  I was also on the phone with a lot of club members that night.  I have always been an overly busy person.

1803 - The U.S. Senate approved the Louisiana Purchase. Good new we got New Orleans!!!

Great Falls Montana


Great Falls is home to Malmstrom Air Force Base and the 341st Missile Wing. The 341st Operations Group provides the forces to launch, monitor and secure the wing's Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and missile alert facilities (MAF).
These ICBMs and MAFs are dispersed over the largest missile complex in the Western Hemisphere, an area encompassing some 23,000 sq mi (60,000 km2) (approximately the size of the state of West Virginia).
The group manages a variety of equipment, facilities, and vehicles worth more than $5 billion.
Great Falls International Airport is home to the Montana Air National Guard's 120th Airlift Wing. The 120AW is composed of C-130 Hercules (C-130H) cargo aircraft and associated support personnel.
Great Falls is also home to the 889th Army Reserve Unit.
The 819th Red Horse rapid deployment unit is also located on Malmstrom AFB  seems appropriate!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Aaron G!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

October 19, 2017 Thursday #Lutheranism101 #Nicolethenapper#TheDow^#Census

Get Faith
Bible study at church on Lutheranism 101.  He selected the book that the Missouri Synod printed on this teaching so we have a lot of interesting conversations.  Myself, having been raised in the Missouri Synod church and made the decision to move to the ELCA Lutheran church has mixed understanding of this book.  I know what I was taught in confirmation class and what I had in my head from that - but I also have issues with their interpretation of the Bible.  Today's study was on (but not only) women in the church.  I  found it very enlightening.

On this day
1987 -- I found today's memory funny.  It said I was babysitting Josh and David from next door.  I would have also had my two year old, Nicole.  So, after lunch I took David to school for kindergarten and when I got back Josh took a nap.  It doesn't say that Nicole took a nap because she never, hardly ever took a nap  -- then.  Now she can take a nap 15 minutes after getting out of bed in the morning. Go figure!

1987 - The Dow Jones industrial average dropped 508 points. It was the worst one-day percentage decline, 22.6%, in history.    Surprisingly enough, Ronald Reagan was President.

Great Falls Montana
2010 census[edit]
As of the census[2] of 2010, there were 58,505 people, 25,301 households, and 15,135 families residing in the city. The population density was 2,684.9 inhabitants per square mile (1,036.6/km2). There were 26,854 housing units at an average density of 1,232.4 per square mile (475.8/km2). The racial makeup of the city was 88.5% Caucasian, 1.1% African American, 5.0% Native American, 0.9% Asian, 0.1% Pacific Islander, 0.6% from other races, and 3.8% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 3.4% of the population.
There were 25,301 households of which 28.6% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 43.6% were married couples living together, 11.5% had a female householder with no husband present, 4.8% had a male householder with no wife present, and 40.2% were non-families. 33.5% of all households were made up of individuals and 12.7% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.26 and the average family size was 2.88.
The median age in the city was 39 years. 22.5% of residents were under the age of 18; 9.9% were between the ages of 18 and 24; 24.5% were from 25 to 44; 26.5% were from 45 to 64; and 16.6% were 65 years of age or older. The gender makeup of the city was 48.9% male and 51.1% female.  Interesting!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday John B 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

October 18, 2017 Wednesday #nomoreRita#dountoothers#boyscoutsandhalloween#Greatfallstectoniczone!

Get Fit
Spent my last morning with Rita.  No more salsa, rhumba, cha cha. The VCR ate this tape too.  Of the twenty of so I had I believe I only have  2 left. I am forced to find more CD workouts or change my schedule to what is on tv and when.  It can't be - "oh well" I quit!

Get Faith
Matthew 25:40  "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers (or sisters) of mine, you did for me."  The study writer related a story of driving a boy that was at a restaurant she went to, to a place 20 miles away.  Even though she didn't know him.  I had a similar experience with a young man, on a freezing cold night that came to my front door.  I'm sure Nicole remembers the occasion.  Part of your brain is saying "noooooo you don't know this kid" and the other part is remembering this verse.  It is a hard call.  We did take him home, quite a distance.  There are many ways to reach out to others, find one, you won't be sorry.

On this day
1986  My kids were little - one and eight so Halloween would have been big decorating fun and excitement.  We were also doing a play in the garage - Sleepy Hollow, with about 15 neighborhood kids.  There was a lot of activity, plus, Mark had taken Marty to the hospital at 5AM with kidney stones.  That meant I had to drive Aaron out to his boy scout meeting in New Baltimore.  I think Nicole and I hung out up there till he was done and we went home to rehearse.  Another great memory of this time was my brother Mark did the music for the play. (video available)

1469 - Ferdinand of Aragon married Isabella of Castile. The marriage united all the dominions of Spain. And now they have separated.

Great Falls Montana


Map of Montana showing Glacial Lake Great Falls.
Great Falls is located near several waterfalls on the Missouri River. It lies near the center of Montana on the northern Great Plains. It lies next to the Rocky Mountain Front and is about 100 miles (160 km) south of the Canada–US border.
The city of Great Falls lies atop the Great Falls Tectonic Zone, an intracontinental shear zone between two geologic provinces of basement rock of the Archean period which form part of the North American continent.[34] The city lies at the southern reach of the Laurentide ice sheet, a vast glacial sheet of ice which covered much of North America during the last glacial period. Approximately 1.5 million years ago, the Missouri River flowed northward into a terminal lake.[35][36] The Laurentide ice sheet pushed the river southward.[35][37] Between 15,000 BCE and 11,000 BCE, the Laurentide ice sheet blocked the Missouri River and created Glacial Lake Great Falls.[9][37][38] About 13,000 BCE, as the glacier retreated, Glacial Lake Great Falls emptied catastrophically in a glacial lake outburst flood.[9] The current course of the Missouri River essentially marks the southern boundary of the Laurentide ice sheet.[39] The Missouri River flowed eastward around the glacial mass, settling into its present course.[35] As the ice retreated, meltwater from Glacial Lake Great Falls poured through the Highwood Mountains and eroded the mile-long, 500-foot-deep (150 m) Shonkin Sag—one of the most famous prehistoric meltwater channels in the world.[40]
Great Falls is also situated on a fall line unconformity in the Great Falls Tectonic Zone,[41] as well as atop the Kootenai Formation, a mostly nonmarine sandstone laid down by rivers, glaciers, and lakes in the past.[42][43]  Makes me want to go take a look for real!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday John!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

October 17, 2017 Tuesday#Jillian#Jesusmyhero#canIholdthebaby?#exposedanddeserted#stackfailure!

Get Fit
Jillian came in today and did some circuit training with me.  Ok, well she was on the CD, but still.  I did the warm up, which is intense and then the weight workout and then she goes back to another aerobic set.  It depends on the day how much I can last for.

Get Faith
Matthew 16:24  "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."  This is from first Gospel book of the New Testament.  The words are from Jesus himself.  People of this day and age do not want to hear about denying themselves anything.  Because "things" mean so much to us.  It is a statement to wake us up to living a better, whole life of following what Jesus told us so that we can have a life of comfort, compassion and joy in the faith.  Believers are happier, they just said so on the TV Today show.  Following Jesus would solve all the problems in this world - love instead of hate, caring for the poor, giving up love of power so we could get rid of war.  Sharing our resources with everyone in the world to make it a better place for everyone.  I can only pray.

On this day
1985  The girls, Merri and Lindsey must have had the day off school.  Andy had a doctor appointment and brought the girls over while he was gone.  Of course they loved being here with their new cousin Nicole, who was only 5 months old.  These days when I see them with Lindsey's new baby - Hudson, it reminds me of how excited they were to hold Nicole and play with her and how nervous I would get because she was so little.  She survived and so will Hudson. 

1739 - Thomas Coram was granted a Royal Charter from George II so a "hospital for the maintenance and education of exposed and deserted young children" in London, England. Now that guy knew the meaning of the above verse.

Great Falls Montana
Now this sounds like it would have been a great thing to watch!
Great Falls quickly became a thriving industrial and supply center. In 1894, naturalist Vernon Bailey passed through and described Great Falls as "a very good town, appears prosperous and booming & I should judge contains 15000 inhabitants."[33] By the early 1900s, Great Falls was en route to becoming one of Montana's largest cities. The rustic studio of famed Western artist Charles Marion Russell was a popular attraction, as were the famed "Great Falls of the Missouri", after which the city was named. A structure billed as the "world's tallest smokestack" was completed in 1908 by the city's largest employer, the Anaconda Copper Mining Company's smelter, measuring 508 feet (155 m) tall. The Big Stack immediately became a landmark for the community. The Big Stack's 'sister' stack in Anaconda was suffering from cracking and it was decided to remove the support bands from the upper half of the Big Stack and send them to Anaconda. This action proved to be the Big Stack's ultimate demise since the cracks it suffered from rapidly worsened. Citing public safety concerns due to the stack's continual deterioration of its structural integrity it was slated for demolition on September 18, 1982. In an interesting twist of fate the demolition crew failed to accomplish the task on the first try; the two worst cracks in the stack ran from just above ground level to nearly 300 feet up. As the 600 lbs of explosives were set off (which was to create a wedge in the base so it would fall almost vertically into a large trench for the rubble) the cracks 'completed themselves' all the way to the ground—effectively severing the stack into two-thirds and one-third pieces. Much to the delight of the spectating community, the smaller of the two pieces remained standing, but the failed demolition only solidified the safety issue whereas the community cited the event as the stack's defiance. The demolition team who had planted the charges was recalled and several hours later they returned and finished the demolition, after packing another 400 lbs of explosives into the smaller wedge.
Lewis & Clark road trip: The River’s Edge Trail | Frances ...

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Ruth

Monday, October 16, 2017

October 16, 2017 Monday #standupnogrunt#ShineJesusShine#Shewasfine!#Yale#Dam!

Get Fit
I am noticing that I already use my arm strength to stand up from a chair and remember someone saying the sooner you do that the faster you age.  I don't always, but I am conscious of it happening. Today I got the 5lb weights and worked out the arms and legs.  The legs so I can stand up without  holding on and the arms so that if I do need to pull myself up I will be able to.  I just don't want to  be stuck in that chair!  You get up too!!  Oh,  and you can grunt if you want to standing up but it only alerts others to your dilemma!

Get Faith
Luke 11:354-36  "Watch out that the light in you is not darkness.  If therefore your whole body is full of light, with no dark part in it, it will be wholly illumined, as when the lamp illumines you with its rays."  Can you imagine what being in the dark or being full of darkness means?  It sounds sad and lonely, ill and motionless.  When you feel dark it is usually accompanied by depression.  Jesus is the light in the darkness.  I feel like if I don't know Jesus I am full of dark thoughts and sadness.  "So let your light shine in the darkness."  Shine Jesus shine!

On this day
1984  Five days before I had been in the hospital with a collapsed lung.  I was pregnant with Nicole and had quit smoking.  You would think I should have been better, but no.  Although I had been in and had a chest tube for 24 hours with no meds, the only thing that mattered was how the baby was.  On this day I went to the baby doctor - Dr. Damian and he said all was fine.  It was the only thing that mattered.  I see in my journal that the family rallied around me as usual.  Thank God for family!

1701 - The Collegiate School was founded in Killingworth, CT. The school moved to New Haven in 1745 and changed its name to Yale College

  Old school so to speak.

Great Falls Montana

Black Eagle Dam was built in 1890, and by 1912 Rainbow Dam and Volta Dam (now Ryan Dam) were all operating.

Dam Rainbow | Tau ZeroYep Rainbow Dam
Volta Dam Ghana Tour Oct 2013 - YouTube Volta or Ryan dam

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!