Monday, October 30, 2017

October 30, 2017 Monday #eatright#healthyfearstupidfear#takepictures!

Get Fit
Fiber and Allergy Prevention | dailyRxWhat you eat can help your waistline!

Get Faith
Proverbs 14:26-27  "In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, and His children will have a place of refuge.  The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life."  When you have a fear of the Lord I think it means that you believe He is watching you.  He is involved with seeing what you are doing and what might hurt you.  A healthy fear is that because He is watching, maybe He will punish you if you err.  If you believe that much than you have a healthy start on your faith building.

On this day
2004  I was up north with Mom at Andy and Alice's house.  It started out to be a beautiful day, 66 degrees, so I took a nice walk and then sat out on the deck behind their house.  It started getting cooler and cloud covered.  We went to visit my cousin Don and Mary at their place and the weather continued to get windier.  By the time we got back to Andy's the wind had knocked out the power.  I got a call from Nicole.  She was home alone, and had been watching Halloween movies and the power at home went  out.  I always said "be careful what you put in your head".  Fear, lol.

1817 - The independent government of Venezuela was established by Simon Bolivar. Another good answer for Jeopardy, at least I recognize this name.

Great Falls Montana

Make sure you get some good pictures for your scrapbook!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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