Friday, October 13, 2017

October 13, 2017 Friday #workout#imitateJesus#prayersforLois#Hosni#MissouriRiver!

Get Fit
Did a series of stretching and strengthening exercises - Corset, Gravity Drop, Alternating Overhead press, Warrior 11, Butt-Wall Squat, Plank etc.  It is a great workout!

Get Faith 
Ephesians 5:1-2  "Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma."  It is certainly good advice and for a good reason!

On this day
1981  I worked with a lot of interior designers from JL Hudson Company for many years and on this day I noted that a lot of them came into the shop to design picture frames and look for prints from our old print collection.  One lady, Lois Erickson was VERY selective, and very conservative.  It so happens that she is a member of my church and unfortunately had a bad stroke many years ago and is immobile in a wheelchair.  She is in the same living place that my mom was in till mom passed.  Lois is still there and not very happy.  My Pastor asked if I would like to take her communion and I did for a while but she has gone farther away from reality and won't respond to anyone anymore.  I don't blame her.  I wish better for her.

1981 - Egyptian voters elected Vice President Hosni Mubarak as the new president one week after Anwar Sadat was assassinated. Read about Hosni Mubarak's time in office on He served as Egypt's president from 1981 until February 2011.

Great Falls Montana
The Great Falls of the Missouri River marked the limit of the navigable section of the Missouri River for non-portagable watercraft,[22] and the non-navigability of the falls was noted by the U.S. Supreme Court in its 2012 ruling against the State of Montana on the question of streambed ownership beneath several dams situated at the site of the falls.[23] The first steamboat arrived at future site of the city in 1859.[24]
1891 bird's eye illustration of Great Falls

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Lindsay A!

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