Friday, October 6, 2017

October 6, 2017 Friday#Weights#Thisismystory#Oktoberfest#Meteor#stay#Greatfallsportage

Get Fit
Started a weights workout and then, more importantly, I had to take a phone call.  I was on for a while and then, well I have housework, a meal for ten to prepare etc.  I hope to get back to the weights.

Get Faith
Joel 2:20  "Surely he has done great things."  What is your story?  That is the title of the study today.  How did you come to faith?  Has your family always gone to church and said prayers?  Maybe just your Mom or Dad, not both and not all the time.  Did you first hear of Jesus at Vacation Bible School or did you attend Sunday School as a child?  Did you get dragged to church by your husband/wife and just by chance it stuck?  Maybe this is the most "church" you have had and I'm thankful you read this.  God surely has done great things - think today of all the ways He has blessed you with family, children, wealth, love, talents and gifts.  Now tell someone YOUR story of faith.

On this day
1978  Linda and I went to an Oktoberfest at a customer of Quality's.  The business was out in Troy (I believe) and the company name was Meteor Photo Company.  When Linda and I arrived we found Chris and her husband Steve there.  Hoping Chris or Linda have more memories on this company, the owner? and the evening?  The owners name wasn't as simple as Smith.

1683 - The first Mennonites arrived in America aboard the Concord. The German and Dutch families settled in an area that is now a neighborhood in Philadelphia, PAAnd are still centered there.  Did you know that most people live and die within 25 miles of where they were born?  Not all though.

Great Falls Montana

Great Falls takes its name from the series of five waterfalls in close proximity along the upper Missouri River basin that the Lewis and Clark Expedition had to portage around over a ten-mile stretch; the effort required 31 days of arduous labor during the westward leg of their 1805–06 exploration of the Louisiana Purchase and to the Pacific Northwest Coast of the Oregon Country. Each falls sports a hydroelectric dam today, hence Great Falls is nicknamed "the Electric City". Currently there are two undeveloped parts of their portage route; these are included within the Great Falls Portage, a National Historic Landmark.
National Historic Landmark (NHL) is a building, district, object, site, or structure that is officially recognized by the United States government for its outstanding historical significance. Of over 90,000 places listed on the country's National Register of Historic Places, only some 2,500 are recognized as National Historic Landmarks.
National Historic Landmark District may include contributing properties that are buildings, structures, sites or objects, and it may include non-contributing properties. Contributing properties may or may not also be separately listed.
1891 bird's eye illustration of Great Falls

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Diane, Katie, Aimee and Kay!

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