Thursday, October 12, 2017

October 12, 2017 Thursday #Yourup#I'msorryyouaremad!#waterandciderandchicken#Oktoberfest!#Whosonfirst

Get Fit
Here's the deal today - you tell me what you did for exercise today!

Get Faith
Proverbs 15:1  "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."  You gotta love Proverbs.  This is something we know but is so hard to apply.   When someone is angry with you and yelling (for example) the last thing they want to hear in a soft voice is "how can I help?"  I'm sorry but I think the better thing is to interject with "excuse me I have to take this call" and run away.  Anger seldom lends itself to reason I have found, and you can quote me on that.

On this day
1980  I met a guy in my guitar class and we started hanging around together.  He was a it older than I and later I found out he was pretty active in many important things.  On this day he picked me up and we went to Bay City for the dedication of the new Water Treatment Plant there.  He had been involved somehow, he might have been an engineer. (I wasn't much on details in those days).  Afterward we went for a ride to see the fall colors, hit a cder mill near Vassar and then went to Frankenmuth for dinner.  That was a nice day, thanks Bob.

1810 - Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig married Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen. The royalty invited the public to attend the event which became an annual celebration that later became known as Oktoberfest. Did you know?  Now you do!

Great Falls Montana
Meriwether Lewis was the first white person to visit the area, which he did on June 13, 1805, as part of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.[15][16] York, an African American slave owned by William Clark and who had participated in the Expedition, was the first black American to visit the site of the future city.[17]
Following the return passage of Lewis and Clark in 1806,[18] there is no record of any white person visiting the site of the city of Great Falls until explorer and trapper Jim Bridger reached the area in 1822.[13] Bridger and Major Andrew Henry led a fur-trading expedition to the future city location in April 1823 (and were attacked by Blackfeet Indians while camping at the site).[19] British explorer Alexander Ross trapped around Great Falls in 1824.[20] In 1838, a mapping expedition sent by the U.S. federal government and guided by Bridger spent four years in the area.[13] Margaret Harkness Woodman became the first white woman to visit the Great Falls area in 1862.[21]  Wow this is a lot of racial information, oh and gender too.  What is the point?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday to Mark and Beckah!

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