Saturday, October 28, 2017

October 28, 2017 Saturday #Getgoing!#Helovesyou!#Blessingsandcurses#SHOP!

Get Fit
So!  it's Saturday, what is your plan today!?  Work to be done around the house?  Social engagements?  Sport events.  Will you be a participant or watching someone else participate?  Get off your duff and get involved in life.  A little or a lot, whatever you can do. 

Get Faith
Psalm 147:11 "The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love."  I love the thought that the Lord is delighted in me.  Like a parent or grandparent that beams at the sight of your face.  I think now, how when I walked into the residence where Mom last stayed (and I went most every day) how her face lit up when she saw me.  What a thrill to think that God looks at us like that.  When he sees your face - he marvels at His amazing creation and loves your individual charm.  We are blessed.

On this day
2001  Here is why I know God loves me.  On this day I took the high school Sunday school class.  You get a buy into heaven if you take on this class!  Oh, we aren't saved by works, but I'm sure God recognizes those who tackle this job.  It also said the Craig joined us at church, well that does it for me.  I love Craig like he's my own.  Later, at home, I went over to see my neighbor's car that he was giving me a real deal on.  Love thy neighbor!  After that I planted daffodil bulbs.  Now, that might sound like an industrious thing to do, but now I know why I have so many daffodils in my yard.  That was 16 years ago and I have been trying to get rid of them ever since.  They take over your garden the entire summer.  Blessings and curses.

1636 - Harvard College was founded in Massachusetts. The original name was Court of Massachusetts Bay Colony. It was the first school of higher education in America. Remember this for Jeopardy!

Great Falls Montana
This has been a great place to investigate!  Just a few more days, let's shop!

Charcoal Pick Up Chicks Montana T-ShirtI am buying this shirt!  

Huckleberry Jam - 11 oz. JarAnd this
Horseshoe Nail Necklaceoboy!  Great stuff here!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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