Friday, October 20, 2017

October 20, 2017 Friday #Workout!#forgive#LSCORA#NOLA#819thRedHorse!

Get Fit
Been working out the legs and arms with weights this week and today the Pilates ring.  Squats with a resistance band around the legs gives an extra push.  Cmon! You know you feel better when you work out regularly!

Get Faith
Matthew 6:12  "Our Father.... forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors."  This is so hard.  I have been carrying a grudge on someone for almost 40 years and it haunts me, now it has been compounded and I let it really upset me.  My thoughts toward them are so angry and I need to resolve it.  I can say I forgive but it keeps popping back up and reminding me that I haven't yet forgiven them.  Do you have something in your life that is dragging you down? That you can't get rid of?  Let's pray.

On this day
1988  I worked at Quality Picture Frame Company on this day, Chris was in Las Vegas.  I checked orders to see if everything was progressing.  There is nothing worse than a customer coming in to pick up a beloved family heirloom and having it not be finished.  Family pictures are treasures.  When I left the shop it says I stopped at some customers, mostly photo studios, HA Powell, Leo Knight and at Somerset Mall.  I enjoyed the camaraderie with the people we provided framing for.  When I got home I went for a walk around the block with Nicole, now 3 years old, she was probably on some type of riding tricycle or something.  I stopped to see Rose next door and she talked Nicole into staying for dinner with her boys - Josh and David.  I went home grabbed some dinner and mailed out voting ballots for Lake St Clair Offshore Racing Assn.  Because I was the newsletter editor and had the mailing info I also got this job.  I was also on the phone with a lot of club members that night.  I have always been an overly busy person.

1803 - The U.S. Senate approved the Louisiana Purchase. Good new we got New Orleans!!!

Great Falls Montana


Great Falls is home to Malmstrom Air Force Base and the 341st Missile Wing. The 341st Operations Group provides the forces to launch, monitor and secure the wing's Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and missile alert facilities (MAF).
These ICBMs and MAFs are dispersed over the largest missile complex in the Western Hemisphere, an area encompassing some 23,000 sq mi (60,000 km2) (approximately the size of the state of West Virginia).
The group manages a variety of equipment, facilities, and vehicles worth more than $5 billion.
Great Falls International Airport is home to the Montana Air National Guard's 120th Airlift Wing. The 120AW is composed of C-130 Hercules (C-130H) cargo aircraft and associated support personnel.
Great Falls is also home to the 889th Army Reserve Unit.
The 819th Red Horse rapid deployment unit is also located on Malmstrom AFB  seems appropriate!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Aaron G!

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