Sunday, October 15, 2017

October 15, 2017 Sunday #Jesusthelight#Sweetestday!#Beirut#trains&hydroelectricity!

Get Faith
Psalm 27:1  "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom (or what) shall I fear?  The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?"  Could you ask for more in your life than someone to light a path for you to see the way to go and save you from all harm - for ever!?  Our Saviour - Our Jesus, Lord there is none like you!  All of my days, I want to praise the glory of your mighty name.

On this day
1983  Was a Saturday and Sweetest Day.  I was cleaning the kitchen and bathroom, between sweethearts at the time - so no plans for the day.  Andy and Alice came home and gave me candy and a card, I guess I was the sweetest that day. (They didn't want me to be left out.)  I even went bowling with them that night.  I did send a note to an old boyfriend Denny.  I don't see it on my calendar today, is it still a "Hallmark" holiday?  Happy Sweetest Day!

1983 - U.S. Marines killed five snipers who had pinned them down in Beirut International Airport.   If you are interested look up this topic and see how many times this has happened.

Great Falls, Montana
Great Falls was founded in 1883. Businessman Paris Gibson visited the Great Falls of the Missouri River in 1880, and was deeply impressed by the possibilities for building a major industrial city near the falls with power provided by hydroelectricity.[28][29][30][31] He returned in 1883 with friend Robert Vaughn and some surveyors and platted a permanent settlement the south side of the river.[13][28][29] The city's first citizen, Silas Beachley, arrived later that year.[13] With investments from railroad owner James J. Hill and Helena businessman Charles Arthur Broadwater, houses, a store, and a flour mill were established in 1884.[13][28][29][30][31] The Great Falls post office was established on July 10, 1884, and Paris Gibson was named the first postmaster.[32] A planing mill, lumber yard, bank, school, and newspaper were established in 1885.[28][31] By 1887 the town had 1,200 citizens, and in October of that year the Great Northern Railway arrived in the city.[28][30][31] Great Falls was incorporated on November 28, 1888.+
GN Route Map.png GN system map, circa 1918; dotted lines represent nearby railroads
I would love to take this rail ride!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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