Monday, October 16, 2017

October 16, 2017 Monday #standupnogrunt#ShineJesusShine#Shewasfine!#Yale#Dam!

Get Fit
I am noticing that I already use my arm strength to stand up from a chair and remember someone saying the sooner you do that the faster you age.  I don't always, but I am conscious of it happening. Today I got the 5lb weights and worked out the arms and legs.  The legs so I can stand up without  holding on and the arms so that if I do need to pull myself up I will be able to.  I just don't want to  be stuck in that chair!  You get up too!!  Oh,  and you can grunt if you want to standing up but it only alerts others to your dilemma!

Get Faith
Luke 11:354-36  "Watch out that the light in you is not darkness.  If therefore your whole body is full of light, with no dark part in it, it will be wholly illumined, as when the lamp illumines you with its rays."  Can you imagine what being in the dark or being full of darkness means?  It sounds sad and lonely, ill and motionless.  When you feel dark it is usually accompanied by depression.  Jesus is the light in the darkness.  I feel like if I don't know Jesus I am full of dark thoughts and sadness.  "So let your light shine in the darkness."  Shine Jesus shine!

On this day
1984  Five days before I had been in the hospital with a collapsed lung.  I was pregnant with Nicole and had quit smoking.  You would think I should have been better, but no.  Although I had been in and had a chest tube for 24 hours with no meds, the only thing that mattered was how the baby was.  On this day I went to the baby doctor - Dr. Damian and he said all was fine.  It was the only thing that mattered.  I see in my journal that the family rallied around me as usual.  Thank God for family!

1701 - The Collegiate School was founded in Killingworth, CT. The school moved to New Haven in 1745 and changed its name to Yale College

  Old school so to speak.

Great Falls Montana

Black Eagle Dam was built in 1890, and by 1912 Rainbow Dam and Volta Dam (now Ryan Dam) were all operating.

Dam Rainbow | Tau ZeroYep Rainbow Dam
Volta Dam Ghana Tour Oct 2013 - YouTube Volta or Ryan dam

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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