Tuesday, October 17, 2017

October 17, 2017 Tuesday#Jillian#Jesusmyhero#canIholdthebaby?#exposedanddeserted#stackfailure!

Get Fit
Jillian came in today and did some circuit training with me.  Ok, well she was on the CD, but still.  I did the warm up, which is intense and then the weight workout and then she goes back to another aerobic set.  It depends on the day how much I can last for.

Get Faith
Matthew 16:24  "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."  This is from first Gospel book of the New Testament.  The words are from Jesus himself.  People of this day and age do not want to hear about denying themselves anything.  Because "things" mean so much to us.  It is a statement to wake us up to living a better, whole life of following what Jesus told us so that we can have a life of comfort, compassion and joy in the faith.  Believers are happier, they just said so on the TV Today show.  Following Jesus would solve all the problems in this world - love instead of hate, caring for the poor, giving up love of power so we could get rid of war.  Sharing our resources with everyone in the world to make it a better place for everyone.  I can only pray.

On this day
1985  The girls, Merri and Lindsey must have had the day off school.  Andy had a doctor appointment and brought the girls over while he was gone.  Of course they loved being here with their new cousin Nicole, who was only 5 months old.  These days when I see them with Lindsey's new baby - Hudson, it reminds me of how excited they were to hold Nicole and play with her and how nervous I would get because she was so little.  She survived and so will Hudson. 

1739 - Thomas Coram was granted a Royal Charter from George II so a "hospital for the maintenance and education of exposed and deserted young children" in London, England. Now that guy knew the meaning of the above verse.

Great Falls Montana
Now this sounds like it would have been a great thing to watch!
Great Falls quickly became a thriving industrial and supply center. In 1894, naturalist Vernon Bailey passed through and described Great Falls as "a very good town, appears prosperous and booming & I should judge contains 15000 inhabitants."[33] By the early 1900s, Great Falls was en route to becoming one of Montana's largest cities. The rustic studio of famed Western artist Charles Marion Russell was a popular attraction, as were the famed "Great Falls of the Missouri", after which the city was named. A structure billed as the "world's tallest smokestack" was completed in 1908 by the city's largest employer, the Anaconda Copper Mining Company's smelter, measuring 508 feet (155 m) tall. The Big Stack immediately became a landmark for the community. The Big Stack's 'sister' stack in Anaconda was suffering from cracking and it was decided to remove the support bands from the upper half of the Big Stack and send them to Anaconda. This action proved to be the Big Stack's ultimate demise since the cracks it suffered from rapidly worsened. Citing public safety concerns due to the stack's continual deterioration of its structural integrity it was slated for demolition on September 18, 1982. In an interesting twist of fate the demolition crew failed to accomplish the task on the first try; the two worst cracks in the stack ran from just above ground level to nearly 300 feet up. As the 600 lbs of explosives were set off (which was to create a wedge in the base so it would fall almost vertically into a large trench for the rubble) the cracks 'completed themselves' all the way to the ground—effectively severing the stack into two-thirds and one-third pieces. Much to the delight of the spectating community, the smaller of the two pieces remained standing, but the failed demolition only solidified the safety issue whereas the community cited the event as the stack's defiance. The demolition team who had planted the charges was recalled and several hours later they returned and finished the demolition, after packing another 400 lbs of explosives into the smaller wedge.
Lewis & Clark road trip: The River’s Edge Trail | Frances ...

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Ruth

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