Wednesday, October 18, 2017

October 18, 2017 Wednesday #nomoreRita#dountoothers#boyscoutsandhalloween#Greatfallstectoniczone!

Get Fit
Spent my last morning with Rita.  No more salsa, rhumba, cha cha. The VCR ate this tape too.  Of the twenty of so I had I believe I only have  2 left. I am forced to find more CD workouts or change my schedule to what is on tv and when.  It can't be - "oh well" I quit!

Get Faith
Matthew 25:40  "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers (or sisters) of mine, you did for me."  The study writer related a story of driving a boy that was at a restaurant she went to, to a place 20 miles away.  Even though she didn't know him.  I had a similar experience with a young man, on a freezing cold night that came to my front door.  I'm sure Nicole remembers the occasion.  Part of your brain is saying "noooooo you don't know this kid" and the other part is remembering this verse.  It is a hard call.  We did take him home, quite a distance.  There are many ways to reach out to others, find one, you won't be sorry.

On this day
1986  My kids were little - one and eight so Halloween would have been big decorating fun and excitement.  We were also doing a play in the garage - Sleepy Hollow, with about 15 neighborhood kids.  There was a lot of activity, plus, Mark had taken Marty to the hospital at 5AM with kidney stones.  That meant I had to drive Aaron out to his boy scout meeting in New Baltimore.  I think Nicole and I hung out up there till he was done and we went home to rehearse.  Another great memory of this time was my brother Mark did the music for the play. (video available)

1469 - Ferdinand of Aragon married Isabella of Castile. The marriage united all the dominions of Spain. And now they have separated.

Great Falls Montana


Map of Montana showing Glacial Lake Great Falls.
Great Falls is located near several waterfalls on the Missouri River. It lies near the center of Montana on the northern Great Plains. It lies next to the Rocky Mountain Front and is about 100 miles (160 km) south of the Canada–US border.
The city of Great Falls lies atop the Great Falls Tectonic Zone, an intracontinental shear zone between two geologic provinces of basement rock of the Archean period which form part of the North American continent.[34] The city lies at the southern reach of the Laurentide ice sheet, a vast glacial sheet of ice which covered much of North America during the last glacial period. Approximately 1.5 million years ago, the Missouri River flowed northward into a terminal lake.[35][36] The Laurentide ice sheet pushed the river southward.[35][37] Between 15,000 BCE and 11,000 BCE, the Laurentide ice sheet blocked the Missouri River and created Glacial Lake Great Falls.[9][37][38] About 13,000 BCE, as the glacier retreated, Glacial Lake Great Falls emptied catastrophically in a glacial lake outburst flood.[9] The current course of the Missouri River essentially marks the southern boundary of the Laurentide ice sheet.[39] The Missouri River flowed eastward around the glacial mass, settling into its present course.[35] As the ice retreated, meltwater from Glacial Lake Great Falls poured through the Highwood Mountains and eroded the mile-long, 500-foot-deep (150 m) Shonkin Sag—one of the most famous prehistoric meltwater channels in the world.[40]
Great Falls is also situated on a fall line unconformity in the Great Falls Tectonic Zone,[41] as well as atop the Kootenai Formation, a mostly nonmarine sandstone laid down by rivers, glaciers, and lakes in the past.[42][43]  Makes me want to go take a look for real!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday John!

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