Sunday, October 29, 2017

October 29, 2017 Sunday#Faithavailable#gotoverit#Czolgosz#Historylesson!

Get Faith
Reformation day for us Lutherans. To become part of the church eternal, try being part of the church now.  Your faith is your ticket to heaven.  "The righteous will live by faith".  So if your faith needs some work, if you question whether you will go to heaven - then strengthen your faith by doing what Luther gave us the ability to do - by making the Bible - The Word of God available to everyone, read it alone AND in study with others who know The Word.   John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."   Thank you Martin Luther for taking the faith out of the hands of few and putting it into the hands of many.

On this day
2003  It was a chilly rainy Autumn day, depressing.  I called Mom and Andy and Alice.  Nicole was in her first year at Albion, had only moved there a couple months before and hadn't really adjusted to it yet.  Like many of her friends that went to the same school, Nicole knew no one there and her room mate was even more home sick than Nicole was.  She called me and after talking a while she said she had quit basketball.  She loved basketball and had been noticed by Albion for her basketball skills and given a scholarship but, for what ever reason she quit.  I was concerned and wondered what the factors involved were but sometime it is better to let your child learn their own path without digging into it for them.  Nicole is strong and found her way around and stuck it out.  She later made many friends there and was involved in intramural sports, and then the Ski and Snowboard club and then played Lacrosse for Albion's team.  I just felt so heartsick for her on this day, maybe her growing pains.

1901 - Leon Czolgosz, the assassin of U.S. President McKinley, was electrocuted. Lucky for him they invented electricity huh?

Great Falls Montana

This museum / interpretive centre for the Lewis and Clarke expedition is very well done and a credit to all that have been and are now involved. Our volunteer guide was Larry, and he explained everything with some much enthusiasm and knowledge, there was wasn't a question he couldn't answer. The re-creations of the journey they took and the challenges they faced, is hard to believe they made it back home again. The design for the centre blends in to the landscape on the side of the riverbank. I'm not sure ANYONE these days could emulate the journey they did and for the length of time the expedition took and still survive. Truly a remarkable achievement. Well worth visiting when you are in Montana.
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