Sunday, March 31, 2019

March 31, 2019 Sunday #Thelightbulb#flooding#TunisiatoYemen

Get Faith
"For once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light."  I think of that light bulb that came on over someone's head in the cartoons.  The light comes on and you understand.  Until God turns on the light you remain in the dark.  Until you learn about Christ and how God has saved you from yourself, your sins, you remain in the dark.  If you think a sunny beach sounds good - let me tell you how great it is to bask in the light of His Son.

On this day
2016  In more recent history, but not anything new - my yard was flooded and I looked out the window to see my neighbor putting more dirt in his backyard.  When I bought this house I had minor flooding in the front yard but then the neighbor to the east raised their ground to put in a garage.  Then the neighbor to my southwest put in a garage and raised the ground level.  I live in a seasonal pond, but this time I called the city.  So the guy comes out tells the neighbor behind me to level out the dirt and tells me to put an enormous downspout system around the back of the house so that my drains take the water to the front yard.  Yesterday, after a heavy rain I had ducks in my yard.  True.

2016 - Apple released the iPhone SE.  At least it isn't about war.

From Carthage Tunisia to Dharma Yemen
This air travel distance is equal to 2,733 miles.  Let's move on!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Darlene!!

Saturday, March 30, 2019

March 30, 2019 Saturday #Don'tjudge#Busyatlife#Tunisiancluture

Get Faith
Luke chapter 18  ""God, be merciful to me, a sinner!"  I tell you, this man went down to his home justified rather than the other; for all who exalt themselves will be humbled, but all who humble themselves will be exalted."    God knows what is in the heart of those who act superior to anyone, you don't have to be the judge or you end up in the same shoes as the person you were judging. 

On this day
2015  When your loved one is having health issues - you have health issues.  This year was a bad one with Mom and at this point she was in St Mary's and I was trying to find a better place for her.  I had gone to Beechwood but was led to believe she couldn't afford to be there.  I visited her everyday and tried to make the best of her situation as she was doing as well.  I was also trying to finish my book on the 60's for my 50th class reunion coming up in the fall.  Nicole and I were also planning a visit to Scotland to celebrate her 30th birthday.  Hey!  life is short, live it up.  Work hard and play hard.

1814 - The allied European nations against Napoleon marched into Paris. Isn't this the year the song talked about "In 1814 we took a little trip - down the ,,,,,.?" 

Because of the Muslim prohibition on reproducing the human image, the ruling dynasties of Tunisia stifled pictorial art for centuries; painters therefore often turned to calligraphy. Painting as a Tunisian art form was not reborn until the French protectorate. Although at the beginning of the twentieth century galleries were reserved for European painters, native Tunisian artists such as Moses Levy and Yahia Turki were able to obtain permission to present their work.[66]
The birth of a Tunisian contemporary style of painting is strongly linked to the School of Tunis. Established in 1949 by a group of Tunisian artists headed by Pierre Boucherle and including Yahia TurkiAbdelaziz GorgiMoses LevyAmmar Farhat and Jules Lellouche, it aimed to incorporate native themes and reject the influence of Orientalist colonial painting, bringing together French and Tunisian Muslims, Christians and Jews. Some members of the school have turned to the Arab-Muslim sources for inspiration, such as miniature Islamic architecture. The school includes both Expressionist painters such as Amara DebbacheJellal Ben Abdallah and Ali Ben Salem, and abstract artists such as Edgar NaccacheNello Levy and Hedi Turki.[66]
Hope you have enjoyed Tunisia and the history of Carthage!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Norma, Diedre and Dave P!!

Friday, March 29, 2019

March 29, 2019 Friday#LoveourGod#depression#Battles#CuisineofTunisia

Get Faith
Mark chapter  12  "Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord our God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength"  The first commandment.   Above all,  when all else in this world fails, our God wants you to remember that GOD is always and everywhere, anywhere you are and will never leave you - that is why you should love Him as the above verse says - because it is the way He loves you.

On this day
2014  I  wish there was a shot to prevent or cure depression.  There should be because it is an actual illness that cannot be easily healed.  It encompasses a persons heart, mind and overall health.  As parents we wish to make it go away and believe our love and support can heal them.  It seems to wash over a person like water that soaks them to the soul and cannot be dried off.  If it is hard on us to watch, just imagine what it is like for them.  The hopelessness, the actual physical pain, the feeling of being lost and the despair of not caring.  Our world is in an epidemic of depression with so many people on anti depressants that come with their own side effects of lethargy and exhaustion.  I wish I could close this rant with an answer but I don't know what it is.  If you are or know someone that suffers from this - love them in their battle, support them in the knowledge that you don't think they can "snap out of it."  Pray for them.  Just know that God does not see you as damaged goods, but as his child that suffers from the pains of this world, and wants you to heal here and be loved.

1461 - Edward IV secured his claim to the English thrown by defeating Henry VI’s Lancastrians at the battle of Towdon.   Family vs family  now that's depressing - all for power.

Tunisian cuisine, the cuisine of Tunisia, is a blend of Mediterranean and desert dwellers' culinary traditions. Its distinctive spicy fieriness comes from the many civilizations which have ruled the land now known as Tunisia: RomansVandalsByzantinesArabsSpanishTurkishItalians(Sicilians), French, and the native Punics-Berber people. Many of the cooking styles and utensils began to take shape when the ancient tribes were nomads. Nomadic people were limited in their cooking implements by what pots and pans they could carry with them. The Tunisian tagine, is very different from the Algerian or Moroccan dish. It is a type of a pie dish, made out of eggs, meat and vegetables, similar to the Italian frittata or the eggah.
The openness to trade and tourism also brought international cuisines, like the ChineseIndianJapanese cuisine, or fast food. Moreover, the intensification of commercial exchange with Europe and the rest of the world, made certain uncommon products available, which in turn allowed locals to experiment with other cuisines.
Like all countries in the Mediterranean basin, Tunisia offers a "sun cuisine," based mainly on olive oil, spices, tomatoes, seafood and meat.
  Looks good Maybe I will take that to the Slosses tomorrow.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

March 26, 2019 Tuesday #Saved#decorlimbo#Goodwater!

Get Faith
Daniel chapter 3  "If our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire and out of your hand, O king, let him deliver us."  This is the story from Daniel about Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego the names given to Daniel and his friends.  They were tricked into breaking the kings law and faced death by being thrown into the fiery furnace.  If you don't know the story, read it.  I am more caught up by the similarity in this story and our being saved from hell by our Savior Jesus the Christ.  Both are stories of how great our God is and how He saves us everyday.

On this day
2013  It  was a Tuesday and getting close to Easter.  I don't like when Easter falls in March, it messes up my decor time.  See March is St Patrick's day and Easter should be in April, but not this year and to top it off I went outside and took down the Christmas lights.  Messed up!

1799 - Napoleon captured Jaffa Palestine.   It was against the Ottoman defended walled city of Acre.  There is that walled city again.


Water supply and sanitation[edit]

Tunisia has achieved the highest access rates to water supply and sanitation services in the Middle East and North Africa. As of 2011, access to safe drinking water became close to universal approaching 100% in urban areas and 90% in rural areas.[142] Tunisia provides good quality drinking water throughout the year.[143]
Responsibility for the water supply systems in urban areas and large rural centres is assigned to the Sociéte Nationale d'Exploitation et de Distribution des Eaux (SONEDE), a national water supply authority that is an autonomous public entity under the Ministry of Agriculture. Planning, design and supervision of small and medium water supplies in the remaining rural areas are the responsibility of the Direction Générale du Génie Rurale (DGGR).
In 1974, ONAS was established to manage the sanitation sector. Since 1993, ONAS has had the status of a main operator for protection of water environment and combating pollution.
The rate of non-revenue water is the lowest in the region at 21% in 2012.[144]
This is admirable in the face of so many others not having good water including the USA.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Alexsis!

Monday, March 25, 2019

March 25, 2019 Monday#MeetJesus#Diets#Stillfriends#ModernTunisia

Get Faith
From Luke chapter 4  "And he said, "Truly I tell you, no prophet is accepted in the prophet's hometown."  It seems that when you know someone it is harder to see them as someone other than how you know them.  The kid down the street who was always a bully turns into a successful doctor.  The girl that was always prim and proper is arrested for prostitution.  The carpenters son who learns how to make furniture in his small hometown didn't seem like a good fit for teacher, prophet, Savior and Son of God -but He came to save all people.  Get to know Jesus.

Get Fit
My niece messaged me that she is starting a new diet.  She had tried a lot of diets and has seen success with some of  them.  She is concerned that she will pass on her and her husbands bad eating habits to their young son, which will end up in the same health issues that her family has.   I have adjusted my diet because I am one of those people with digestive issues.  Mom, Andy and I all had sections of their colons removed.  Mom ended life with a bag, Andy says he is fine and I watch what I eat like a hawk.  The first thing I removed from my diet is fried foods, then soft drinks of any kind.  It has made a huge difference.  Start small with one thing you know is not good for you.

On this day
2012  It was a Sunday and after church I had my friends Don, Glen and Amy and daughter Allison over for dinner before they went to the show.  Their son David came by and had dinner too.  We have been very close families from church and socially.  They are like family to me.  Times change, kids grow up and some times couples break up - like Don and I and Glen and Amy.  But we sure had a good time!

1699 - Composer Johann Adolph Hasse was born. Opera and sacred music.


Human rights[edit]

After the revolution, a number of Salafist groups emerged and in some occasions have violently repressed artistic expression that is viewed to be hostile to Islam.[107]
Since the revolution, some non-governmental organizations have reconstituted themselves and hundreds of new ones have emerged. For instance, the Tunisian Human Rights League, the first human rights organization in Africa and the Arab world, operated under restrictions and state intrusion for over half of its existence, but is now free to operate. Some independent organizations, such as the Tunisian Association of Democratic Women, the Association of Tunisian Women for Research and Development, and the Bar Association also remain active.[98]
Homosexuality is illegal in Tunisia and can be punished by up to three years in prison.[108] On 7 December 2016, two Tunisian men were arrested on suspicion of homosexual activity in Sousse.[109] According to 2013 survey by the Pew Research Center, 94% of Tunisians believe that homosexuality should not be accepted by society.[110]
The Tunisian regime has been criticised[by whom?] for its policy on recreational drug use, for instance automatic 1-year prison sentences for consuming cannabis. Prisons are crowded and drug offenders represent nearly a third of the prison population.[111]
In 2017, Tunisia became the first Arab country to outlaw domestic violence against women, which was previously not a crime.[112] Also, the law allowing rapists to escape punishment by marrying the victim was abolished.[112] According to Human Rights Watch, 47% of Tunisian women have been subject to domestic violence.[113][114]
some progress but more needed.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!   Happy Birthday to Chris k and Don P!

Sunday, March 24, 2019

March 24, 2019 Sunday#Lifewater#fosterdiscension#lostrecreated.

Get Fit
John chapter 4  "Jesus said to her, "Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty."" Are you still thinking this life and this place?  Think life with Jesus and the next life.  Jesus satisfies all of our needs and provides for us now and in heaven.  I felt bad for the Jehovah's witness that came to the door yesterday.  They had a flyer that proclaimed the joy in the death of Jesus - something to celebrate they said.  I had to ask what about his resurrection on Easter and His ascendancy to God?  Isn't that where the real joy is?  They asked me what I was talking about and asked if they could come back and talk to me again - I said I would be glad to have them back so I could talk with them.  The water of life.

On this day
2011  I was still layed off but went into the shop and paid bills and made out the bank deposit.  It actually worked out very well for me.   I stopped over at Jan's because she had been missing and not calling for a while, but she wasn't home so I left a note with the manager at the apartments.  In the evening I went to a church in Grosse Pointe that held community meetings on Foster Children.  It was something I had thought about for quite a while but lost interest when I heard the different groups disagreeing on what was best for the children in foster care.  It was disheartening.  It seems the commonality of the problem would have made them more interested in finding a solution rather than trying to be the group with the "right" answer.

1545 - German Parliament opened in Worms. 

Carthage Tunisia
Thus, of their ancient writings we have little of major interest left to us by Carthage, or by Phoenicia the country of origin of the city founders. "Of the various Phoenician and Punic compositions alluded to by the ancient classical authors, not a single work or even fragment has survived in its original idiom." "Indeed, not a single Phoenician manuscript has survived in the original [language] or in translation."[174] We cannot therefore access directly the line of thought or the contour of their worldview as expressed in their own words, in their own voice.[175] Ironically, it was the Phoenicians who "invented or at least perfected and transmitted a form of writing [the alphabet] that has influenced dozens of cultures including our own."[176][177][178]
As noted, the celebrated ancient books on agriculture written by Mago of Carthage survives only via quotations in Latin from several later Roman works.
There are hundreds of books surmising what the writings would have said if they hadn't been lost....  Looks interesting - the 178 books they have listed about this ancient history.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Bobby!!

Saturday, March 23, 2019

March 23, 2019 Saturday#Godspeople#cousinsdinner#Halley'sComet#desintagratingpapyrus.

Get Faith
Matthew chapter 5  "For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have?"  I don't think this means not to love your loved ones, just that it is easy to do.  Now, try to love everyone you see on this day - even those that are unlovable.  All people are on this earth by God's will and belong to Him.  Maybe if you consider that they are also loved by God - regardless of what you think of them, maybe it will be easier for you to smile at them and let them believe that you care about them.  It is a start.

Get Fit
Saturday means yoga!  Put some soft clothes on, made my coffee for afterward and put the cat outside.  It is a perfect plan for my favorite AM yoga.  Maybe you prefer a class, that is okay.

On this day
2010  I must have still been layed off from work, it was a Tuesday and I was home.  I spend a lot of time calling people and sending cards, cleaning and doing laundry, keeping busy.  It was during the time that our neighbor's daughter, Keyana was in elementary school and with them working I offered to have her come and stay here after school till someone got home.  It worked out great even after I went back to work, Mom enjoyed the company.  I got dinner for Mom and Nicole and then met Waynette, Barb and Colleen at Applebys for dinner.  How do you fill your time?  I have started turning off the TV - I get more done that way.

1066 - The 18th recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet took place. Didn't we just read about this?  How often does it come around?  Every 76 years approx.

Carthage Tunisia
Regarding Phoenician writings, few remain and these seldom refer to Carthage. The more ancient and most informative are cuneiform tablets, ca. 1600–1185, from ancient Ugarit, located to the north of Phoenicia on the Syrian coast; it was a Canaanite city politically affiliated with the Hittites. The clay tablets tell of myths, epics, rituals, medical and administrative matters, and also correspondence.[162][163][164] The highly valued works of Sanchuniathon, an ancient priest of Beirut, who reportedly wrote on Phoenician religion and the origins of civilization, are themselves completely lost, but some little content endures twice removed.[165][166] Sanchuniathon was said to have lived in the 11th century, which is considered doubtful.[167][168] Much later a Phoenician History by Philo of Byblos (64–141) reportedly existed, written in Greek, but only fragments of this work survive.[169][170] An explanation proffered for why so few Phoenician works endured: early on (11th century) archives and records began to be kept on papyrus, which does not long survive in a moist coastal climate.[171] Also, both Phoenicians and Carthaginians were well known for their secrecy.[172][173]   
I learned a lesson that the VHS tapes that I taped all of my children's young years on, does 
not hold up to time either.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Amy, Alex and Richard!

Friday, March 22, 2019

March 22, 2019 Friday #Forgive#healing#Busywithfriends#forgotten#literaryworksperished!

Get Faith
Matthew chapter 5  "So when you are offering your gift at the altar....leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother or sister, and then come and offer your gift."  It is hard to leave your anger and frustration with others behind, forgive and heal - but it is what God asks us to do.  If you have a problem with your neighbor, you need to be reconciled, maybe even a note that says you are sorry for all the confrontations you have had over the years.  Make peace so you can get peace.

Get Fit
My back and leg are feeling better due to the exercising, the shot from the doctor and my chiropractor.  Don't resolve yourself to a life of pain and inactivity - do something about it.

On this day
2009  Mom wasn't feeling well so I went to church alone.  I'm never alone at my church, I know 99% of everyone there.  After church a group of us that had participated in a dinner for 6 program, kept getting together once a year for lunch after church.  We went to the Nautical Deli (yum) with Chris and Nate, Sue and Roger, Waynette, Claudette and Pam.  The Judson's had us over for desert afterward.  I'm very active with all of these people still and just got the invitation to meet 10 years later for another reunion lunch.  It is Christian community at it's best, we just like each other.  Nicole was on her way home from Boyne where she had been for some late winter/early spring skiing.  Busy life - happy life.

1638 - Anne Hutchinsoon, a religious dissident, was expelled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony. 
This from the group that came to America for freedom of religion?  How soon we forget.

Carthage Tunisia
In the end, however, most Punic writings that survived the destruction of Carthage "did not escape the immense wreckage in which so many of Antiquity's literary works perished."[160] Accordingly, the long and continuous interactions between Punic citizens of Carthage and the Berber communities that surrounded the city have no local historian. Their political arrangements and periodic crises, their economic and work life, the cultural ties and social relations established and nourished (infrequently as kin), are not known to us directly from ancient Punic authors in written accounts. Neither side has left us their stories about life in Punic-era Carthage.[161]   How sad is that?  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Thursday, March 21, 2019

March 21, 2019 Thursday#Lesson#lesson2#Jubalesson3

Get Faith
Matthew chapter 20  "While Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, he took the twelve disciples aside by themselves, and said to them on the way, "See, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn him to death; then they will hand him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified; and on the third day he will be raised.""  This is a Sunday School lesson in a verse.  Do you see yourself in this reading?  Which one are you?

On this day
2007  When you work for a company like a concrete crushing plant - you learn things.  I learned a lot while working at Clancy's.  Did you know that they have to crush broken asphalt on colder days?  On warm or hot weather the asphalt will be too soft and not crush easily and even mess up the crusher.  March was perfect weather for this purpose and that is what they were doing on this day.  When I got home Mom and I went to church for dinner and the Lenten service.  Sometimes slow days are the best days.

1804 - The French civil code, the Code Napoleon, was adopted. For the people and by the people?

Carthage Tunisia
Probably some of Hiempsal II's libri punici, that had escaped the fires that consumed Carthage in 146 BC, wound up later in the large royal library of his grandson Juba II(r.25 BC-AD 24).[154] Juba II not only was a Berber king, and husband of Cleopatra's daughter, but also a scholar and author in Greek of no less than nine works.[155] He wrote for the Mediterranean-wide audience then enjoying classical literature. The libri punici inherited from his grandfather surely became useful to him when composing his Libyka, a work on North Africa written in Greek. Unfortunately, only fragments of Libyka survive, mostly from quotations made by other ancient authors.[156] It may have been Juba II who 'discovered' the five-centuries-old 'log book' of Hanno the Navigator, called the Periplus, among library documents saved from fallen Carthage.[157][158][159
This is interesting in that I didn't realize that there "wide audiences then enjoying classical literature.  This was during Jesus's lifetime.  Wow.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday John!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

March 20, 2019 Wednesday#Peace&Love#Serve#Losthistory

Get Faith
Matthew chapter 20  "but Jesus called them to him and said,"....Just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."  We assume anyone coming to be our king, our leader, would want all the riches and position to go along with the job.  We are accustomed to people with a lot of money abusing their position - because they can.  Jesus came to serve us and bring us life with the abundance being peace and love.

On this day
2006  When I got home from work Waynette was waiting for me.  We (Grace circle) went down to Christ Iroquois to serve dinner to the homeless.  Pastor Jerry and his wife Sandy, Carolyn, Claudette, Cheryl, Jackie and a friend all came down to help.  We started helping with homeless dinners in the 1990's and are still doing them when the opportunity arises.  As a matter of fact we are doing another one tonight at Triumphant Cross in St Clair Shores.  It is good for the soul.

1413 - Henry V took the throne of England upon the death of his father Henry IV. Jeopardy info.

Carthage Tunisia
"[F]rom the Greek author Plutarch [(c. 46 – c. 120)] we learn of the 'sacred books' in Punic safeguarded by the city's temples. Few Punic texts survive, however."[144] Once "the City Archives, the Annals, and the scribal lists of suffets" existed, but evidently these were destroyed in the horrific fires during the Roman capture of the city in 146 BC.[145]
Yet some Punic books (Latin: libri punici) from the libraries of Carthage reportedly did survive the fires.[146] These works were apparently given by Roman authorities to the newly augmented Berber rulers.[147][148] Over a century after the fall of Carthage, the Roman politician-turned-author Gaius Sallustius Crispus or Sallust (86–34) reported his having seen volumes written in Punic, which books were said to be once possessed by the Berber king, Hiempsal II (r. 88–81).[149][150][151] By way of Berber informants and Punic translators, Sallust had used these surviving books to write his brief sketch of Berber affairs.[152][153] 
I feel it is a huge loss to everyone when an entire civilizations info is lost or destroyed.  Our 
history on this world is beneficial to all.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Andrea and Carol!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

March 19, 2019 Tuesday#SeekJesus#Stayintouch#Therichrule!

Get Faith
Isaiah 1  "Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean; remove the evil of your doings from before my eyes; cease to do evil, learn to do good; seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow.  Come now let us argue it out, says the Lord:  though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be like snow."  This is a great Lenten reading to me.  These things we should be doing and with the answer being that Jesus will wash us from our sin and make us white as snow.  Seek Jesus.

On this day
2005  Was a Saturday, the get it all done day when you are working and I was working two jobs.  I always make  a point of calling someone everyday, I always have as long as I can remember.  On this day I called Norma 3 times and did not get an answer.  (we used to talk every Saturday morning, that is why that was weird.)  I took Mom to downtown Mt Clemens because my buddy Bob Fitzpatrick told me she could get a nice wheeled walker for free on medicare.  I think he felt guilty for taking my weekends away from her to go to his place in Marine City most weekends.  I think she was happy I was out of the house personally and she hated the walker - said she didn't need one.  I told her that Bob insisted she have one.  I would have taken her with me on the weekends but the bedrooms were all upstairs and she couldn't do that.  In hindsight I could have told him to get her a daybed for downstairs and he would have.

1571 - Spanish troops occupied Manila.  You needed a score card to see who ruled who and still do.

Carthage Tunisia
Evidently Carthage also had an institution of elders who advised the Suffets, similar to a Greek gerusia or the Roman Senate. We do not have a Punic name for this body. At times its members would travel with an army general on campaign. Members also formed permanent committees. The institution had several hundred members drawn from the wealthiest class who held office for life. Vacancies were probably filled by recruitment from among the elite, i.e., by co-option. From among its members were selected the 104 Judges mentioned above. Later the 104 would come to evaluate not only army generals but other office holders as well. Aristotle regarded the 104 as most important; he compared it to the ephorate of Sparta with regard to control over security. In Hannibal's time, such a Judge held office for life. At some stage there also came to be independent self-perpetuating boards of five who filled vacancies and supervised (non-military) government administration.[118 
]  We did and still do assume that the wealthy are best suited to rule the world and set standards
for all things and all people.  What do you think?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Mark B, Mark F and Debbie F!

Monday, March 18, 2019

March 18, 2019 Monday #Donotjudge#Busylifehappylife#Mixedpolitics

Get Faith
Luke chapter 6  "To not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned."  I think we like to judge others because it makes us feel better about ourselves.  if you can call out someone else for their wrong doings, it makes you feel better about your own - or forget them.  The Bible mentions not judging - a lot.  Maybe we should start there.

Get Fit
Can you do 3 - one minute planks?  I used to be able to, I'm working at it.

On this day
2001  My life was pretty much all about church and my sixteen year old daughter.  She was so busy with sports and church youth group she had little time for anything else.  She had a great base of friends at church and school, and they had some good times - I believe they were "good" times.  I was lucky because I was the Youth director and very involved with keeping all the programs we had for youth going.  It was a full time job for someone who already had a full time job working and a full time job parenting.  You can do what you set your mind to.

1190 - Crusaders killed 57 Jews in Bury St. Edmonds England. So wrong.

Carthage Tunisia

Constitution of state[edit]

Idealized depiction of Carthage from the 1493 Nuremberg Chronicle.
A "suffet" (possibly two) was elected by the citizens, and held office with no military power for a one-year term. Carthaginian generals marshalled mercenary armies and were separately elected. From about 550 to 450 the Magonid family monopolized the top military position; later the Barcid family acted similarly. Eventually it came to be that, after a war, the commanding general had to testify justifying his actions before a court of 104 judges.[115]
Aristotle (384–322) discusses Carthage in his work, Politica; he begins: "The Carthaginians are also considered to have an excellent form of government." He briefly describes the city as a "mixed constitution", a political arrangement with cohabiting elements of monarchyaristocracy, and democracy, i.e., a king (Gk: basileus), a council of elders (Gk: gerusia), and the people (Gk: demos).[116] Later Polybius of Megalopolis (c.204–122, Greek) in his Histories would describe the Roman Republic in more detail as a mixed constitution in which the Consuls were the monarchy, the Senatethe aristocracy, and the Assemblies the democracy.[117]   Early politics.

Enjoy the day.  Make it memorable!

Sunday, March 17, 2019

March 17, 2019 Sunday #John3:16#StPatsday#Cult#Businessiswarandvs.

Get Faith
Matthew 17  "Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John and led them up on a high mountain by themselves...While he was still speaking, suddenly a bright cloud overshadowed them, and from the cloud a voice said, "This is my Son, the Beloved; with him I am well pleased; listen to him!"  I think how wonderful it would be to go up on a tall mountain with Jesus and then to hear the voice of God speak.  We are unaccustomed to the hearing the voice of God.  If we heard something, we would surely think it was from speakers and look around for electronic equipment and possibly cameras.  But if you listen carefully = you might hear the voice of God - telling you how much he loves you.  Read John 3:16

On this day
2000 It is good when St Patrick's day falls on a weekend, this year was a Friday.  Mom and Marty came over for dinner - the traditional Corned Beef and Cabbage.  Nicole went to a St Patrick's dance at school.  I feel like I can still enjoy a good party and a fair share of beer, but not this year.  Today we are having a regular chicken dinner.   But you enjoy that corned beef!  I might make it later in the week.

2000 - In Kanungu, Uganda, a fire at a church linked to the cult known as the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments killed more than 530. On March 31, officials set the number of deaths linked to the cult at more than 900 after authorities subsequently found mass graves at various sites linked to the cult. These are not my people, they are bad representatives of anyone who follows the 10 commandments.

Carthage Tunisia

Trade and business[edit]

Map of the Mediterranean in 218 BC
The merchants of Carthage were in part heirs of the Mediterranean trade developed by Phoenicia, and so also heirs of the rivalry with Greek merchants. Business activity was accordingly both stimulated and challenged. Cyprus had been an early site of such commercial contests. The Phoenicians then had ventured into the western Mediterranean, founding trading posts, including Utica and Carthage. The Greeks followed, entering the western seas where the commercial rivalry continued. Eventually it would lead, especially in Sicily, to several centuries of intermittent war.[102][103] Although Greek-made merchandise was generally considered superior in design, Carthage also produced trade goods in abundance. That Carthage came to function as a manufacturing colossus was shown during the Third Punic War with Rome. Carthage, which had previously disarmed, then was made to face the fatal Roman siege. The city "suddenly organised the manufacture of arms" with great skill and effectiveness. According to Strabo (63 BC – AD 21) in his Geographica:
"[Carthage] each day produced one hundred and forty finished shields, three hundred swords, five hundred spears, and one thousand missiles for the catapults... . Furthermore, [Carthage although surrounded by the Romans] built one hundred and twenty decked ships in two months... for old timber had been stored away in readiness, and a large number of skilled workmen, maintained at public expense."[104]
Think of how well off all the people of the world would be if we hadn't wasted so much time and material on wars.  How stupid can we get?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Saturday, March 16, 2019

March 16, 2019 Saturday#Loveyourenemy#Yoga#77#Bigcity!

Get Faith
Matthew chapter 5  "You have heard that it was said, "You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy." But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of you Father in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and the the good...."
I think this says that all people on earth are the fathers children and we are to look at all people as possible heirs of the Lord.  It doesn't help God to bring his lost children back into the fold if we are treating them like enemies.  Listen to your God.

Get Fit
I love AM yoga, but you know that.  I am so happy when I go through the poses with him that I can still do them, maybe not as extreme as he does, but I still accomplish them.  Do what you can and enjoy what you do!

On this day
1999  Was just a normal day - Nicole was in Middle School and had a volleyball game that I stopped to watch after work.  Mom had made corned beef and cabbage for us for dinner.  That was a special treat for me, I loved it and I think Nicole liked it too then.  Maybe not the cabbage.  I called Andy, it was and still is his birthday today.  Andy turns 77 this year which is how old mom was in 1999.  Just sayin.

1999 - The 20 members of the European Union's European Commission announced their resignations amid allegations of corruption and financial mismanagement.  In case you thought this was a recent problem.

Carthage Tunisia


In 1920, the first seaplane base was built on the Lake of Tunis for the seaplanes of Compagnie Aéronavale.[93] The Tunis Airfield opened in 1938, serving around 5,800 passengers annually on the Paris-Tunis route.[94] During World War II, the airport was used by the United States Army Air Force Twelfth Air Force as a headquarters and command control base for the Italian Campaignof 1943. Construction on the Tunis-Carthage Airport, which was fully funded by France, began in 1944, and in 1948 the airport become the main hub for Tunisair.
In the 1950s the Lycée Français de Carthage was established to serve French families in Carthage. In 1961 it was given to the Tunisian government as part of the Independence of Tunisia, so the nearby Collège Maurice Cailloux in La Marsa, previously an annex of the Lycée Français de Carthage, was renamed to the Lycée Français de La Marsa and began serving the lycée level. It is currently the Lycée Gustave Flaubert.[95]
After Tunisian independence in 1956, the Tunis conurbation gradually extended around the airport, and Carthage (قرطاج Qarṭāj) is now a suburb of Tunis, covering the area between Sidi Bou Said and Le Kram.[96][97] Its population as of January 2013 was estimated at 21,276,[98] mostly attracting the more wealthy residents.[99] If Carthage is not the capital, it tends to be the political pole, a « place of emblematic power » according to Sophie Bessis,[100] leaving to Tunis the economic and administrative roles. The Carthage Palace (the Tunisian presidential palace) is located in the coast.[101]
The suburb has six train stations of the TGM line between Le Kram and Sidi Bou Said: Carthage Salammbo (named for Salambo, the fictional daughter of Hamilcar), Carthage Byrsa (named for Byrsa hill), Carthage Dermech (Dermèche), Carthage Hannibal (named for Hannibal), Carthage Présidence (named for the Presidential Palace) and Carthage Amilcar (named for Hamilcar).
In a more present time.But, the continuing history is very interesting.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to my brother Andy!!!