Friday, March 22, 2019

March 22, 2019 Friday #Forgive#healing#Busywithfriends#forgotten#literaryworksperished!

Get Faith
Matthew chapter 5  "So when you are offering your gift at the altar....leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother or sister, and then come and offer your gift."  It is hard to leave your anger and frustration with others behind, forgive and heal - but it is what God asks us to do.  If you have a problem with your neighbor, you need to be reconciled, maybe even a note that says you are sorry for all the confrontations you have had over the years.  Make peace so you can get peace.

Get Fit
My back and leg are feeling better due to the exercising, the shot from the doctor and my chiropractor.  Don't resolve yourself to a life of pain and inactivity - do something about it.

On this day
2009  Mom wasn't feeling well so I went to church alone.  I'm never alone at my church, I know 99% of everyone there.  After church a group of us that had participated in a dinner for 6 program, kept getting together once a year for lunch after church.  We went to the Nautical Deli (yum) with Chris and Nate, Sue and Roger, Waynette, Claudette and Pam.  The Judson's had us over for desert afterward.  I'm very active with all of these people still and just got the invitation to meet 10 years later for another reunion lunch.  It is Christian community at it's best, we just like each other.  Nicole was on her way home from Boyne where she had been for some late winter/early spring skiing.  Busy life - happy life.

1638 - Anne Hutchinsoon, a religious dissident, was expelled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony. 
This from the group that came to America for freedom of religion?  How soon we forget.

Carthage Tunisia
In the end, however, most Punic writings that survived the destruction of Carthage "did not escape the immense wreckage in which so many of Antiquity's literary works perished."[160] Accordingly, the long and continuous interactions between Punic citizens of Carthage and the Berber communities that surrounded the city have no local historian. Their political arrangements and periodic crises, their economic and work life, the cultural ties and social relations established and nourished (infrequently as kin), are not known to us directly from ancient Punic authors in written accounts. Neither side has left us their stories about life in Punic-era Carthage.[161]   How sad is that?  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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