Tuesday, March 19, 2019

March 19, 2019 Tuesday#SeekJesus#Stayintouch#Therichrule!

Get Faith
Isaiah 1  "Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean; remove the evil of your doings from before my eyes; cease to do evil, learn to do good; seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow.  Come now let us argue it out, says the Lord:  though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be like snow."  This is a great Lenten reading to me.  These things we should be doing and with the answer being that Jesus will wash us from our sin and make us white as snow.  Seek Jesus.

On this day
2005  Was a Saturday, the get it all done day when you are working and I was working two jobs.  I always make  a point of calling someone everyday, I always have as long as I can remember.  On this day I called Norma 3 times and did not get an answer.  (we used to talk every Saturday morning, that is why that was weird.)  I took Mom to downtown Mt Clemens because my buddy Bob Fitzpatrick told me she could get a nice wheeled walker for free on medicare.  I think he felt guilty for taking my weekends away from her to go to his place in Marine City most weekends.  I think she was happy I was out of the house personally and she hated the walker - said she didn't need one.  I told her that Bob insisted she have one.  I would have taken her with me on the weekends but the bedrooms were all upstairs and she couldn't do that.  In hindsight I could have told him to get her a daybed for downstairs and he would have.

1571 - Spanish troops occupied Manila.  You needed a score card to see who ruled who and still do.

Carthage Tunisia
Evidently Carthage also had an institution of elders who advised the Suffets, similar to a Greek gerusia or the Roman Senate. We do not have a Punic name for this body. At times its members would travel with an army general on campaign. Members also formed permanent committees. The institution had several hundred members drawn from the wealthiest class who held office for life. Vacancies were probably filled by recruitment from among the elite, i.e., by co-option. From among its members were selected the 104 Judges mentioned above. Later the 104 would come to evaluate not only army generals but other office holders as well. Aristotle regarded the 104 as most important; he compared it to the ephorate of Sparta with regard to control over security. In Hannibal's time, such a Judge held office for life. At some stage there also came to be independent self-perpetuating boards of five who filled vacancies and supervised (non-military) government administration.[118 
]  We did and still do assume that the wealthy are best suited to rule the world and set standards
for all things and all people.  What do you think?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Mark B, Mark F and Debbie F!

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