Wednesday, March 13, 2019

March 13, 2019 Wednesday#Thesign#therapy#incharge#Socialdevelopment#walledcity

Get Faith
Luke chapter 11  "....He began to say, "This generation is an evil generation; it asks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah.  For just as Jonah became a sign to the people of Nineveh, so the Son of Man will be to this generation."  We have received our sign in Jesus Christ.  If you are waiting for something else, I am sorry.  Jonah was disappointed in God for not condemning the people of Nineveh and God reminded Jonah that He is the boss and He forgives those who return to Him and repent.  WE are called to return to the Lord in this season of Lent.

Get Fit
I did the Daily Dozen today.  I am reminded of all the people I have known that have been forced to do therapy after surgery or illness of some type.  Most, after the 6 weeks they recommend of therapy stop doing it, the minute the therapists are out the door.  They feel better right? And now they can get back to their lazy life style.  We have short memories for a lot of the things in our lives that our good for us.

On this day
1995  It is a good day at work when most of your bosses are in Florida and the other girl in the office (there were only 2 of us) goes home because her daughter is sick.  Ahhhh, what a peaceful day to catch up on all the things that were left to the side because of more pressing demands.  I loved when I was alone in that huge building with occasional truck drivers and visitors stopping in.  If I was in the front office I left the intercom on in the back room and I would hear someone walk in and say Hello?  and I would run back through the huge shop to find out who it was.  Good exercise too.  It had its perks.

1995 - The first United Nations World Summit on Social Development concluded in Copenhagen, Denmark. I can't help but wonder what they discovered.

Carthage Tunisia
The two inner harbours [called in Punic cothon] were located in the southeast; one being commercial, and the other for war. Their definite functions are not entirely known, probably for the construction, outfitting, or repair of ships, perhaps also loading and unloading cargo.[36][37][38] Larger anchorages existed to the north and south of the city.[39] North and west of the cothon were located several industrial areas, e.g., metalworking and pottery (e.g., for amphora), which could serve both inner harbours, and ships anchored to the south of the city.[40]
About the Byrsa, the citadel area to the north,[41] considering its importance our knowledge of it is patchy. Its prominent heights were the scene of fierce combat during the fiery destruction of the city in 146 BC. The Byrsa was the reported site of the Temple of Eshmun (the healing god), at the top of a stairway of sixty steps.[42][43] A temple of Tanit (the city's queen goddess) was likely situated on the slope of the 'lesser Byrsa' immediately to the east, which runs down toward the sea.[44] Also situated on the Byrsa were luxury homes.
Note the city had a wall around it to protect against invasions as so many countries have had in the history of our world.  I also would like to note that their gods went back to wherever false gods go to as I haven't herd of them in the news.  Our God was around in 146 BC and before and after - and still.  The red line is a wall.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Lisa, Kearia, Theresa & Corinne

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