Sunday, March 10, 2019

March 10, 2019 Sunday#Thecross#childcare#Columbus#Punicsociety

Get Faith
Luke chapter 9 "Then he said to them all, "If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me."  I wear my cross all of the time - not for you to see but to remind me who I am.  If we remember the cross of Christ daily we are reminded that to follow him is the best way to live your life and the only way to follow Him to heaven in the next life.

On this day
1988  Nicole woke up in the middle of  the night sick.  She was running a low fever so in the morning I called Mom and she came over and stayed the day with her while I went to work at Quality.  I only worked a couple of days a week to cover our family health insurance and couldn't afford to miss any days.  I was so fortunate to have my Mom and my Mother in law as back up.  I feel bad for parents who are at the mercy of day care or care givers that they might not have a lot of knowledge about, but they don't have many options. 

1496 - Christopher Columbus concluded his second visit to the Western Hemisphere when he left Hispaniola for Spain. did he have a wife and kids at home?

Carthage Tunisia
The issues involved in rural land management also reveal underlying features of Punic society, its structure and stratification. The hired workers might be considered 'rural proletariat', drawn from the local Berbers. Whether or not there remained Berber landowners next to Punic-run farms is unclear. Some Berbers became sharecroppers. Slaves acquired for farm work were often prisoners of war. In lands outside Punic political control, independent Berbers cultivated grain and raised horses on their lands. Yet within the Punic domain that surrounded the city-state of Carthage, there were ethnic divisions in addition to the usual quasi feudal distinctions between lord and peasant, or master and serf. This inherent instability in the countryside drew the unwanted attention of potential invaders.[23] Yet for long periods Carthage was able to manage these social difficulties.[24]
  I can only wonder what the world would be like if we were loving and caring with 
our neighbors and not at war all the time.  I'm a dreamer.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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