Wednesday, March 6, 2019

March 6, 2019 Wednesday #Serve#Vaccinate#80'sTV#Thewall#AshWednesday

Get Faith
John chapter 13  ""So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet.  Ror I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you...."
Jesus lived a life as an example to us, how to love our God and love one another. 

Get Fit
Get healthy.  The TV blew up with the anti vaccination dilemma today.  Whether to inoculate your children against childhood diseases.  I grew up in an era that saw the ravages of polio.  A 6 year old girl from my school was in a breathing tank in her living room for a year.  Her head stuck out of one end with a mirror above her face, I saw her!  My own brother had a mild case of polio in his neck which could have paralyzed him but medicine saved him from that.  Measles and chicken pox were serious pandemic illnesses that took many lives and left me with Scarlet Fever which could have damaged my heart but didn't because of medicine.  My brother Mark, at seven was diagnosed with Juvenile diabetes, due to his mumps falling to the pancreas gland.  His doctor told us that.  I vaccin  ated Nicole as a baby, even though I cried when she got the shots. Think people of all the other children you are putting at risk for your decision.

On this day
1983  was a Sunday and I had a busy 2 days prior.  The day before was my brother Mark's birthday and Alice, Andy and I took him to Fridays for dinner.  So on this day I napped, read and watched TV.  Now, do you remember TV back in the early 80's prior to cable?  There must have been something because I remember M-TV back then.  Mark loved that.

1983 - The United States Football League began its first season of pro football competition. It only lasted till 1986 - lost the battle to NFL.

Carthage Tunisia
Carthage was built on a promontory with sea inlets to the north and the south. The city's location made it master of the Mediterranean's maritime trade. All ships crossing the sea had to pass between Sicily and the coast of Tunisia, where Carthage was built, affording it great power and influence. Two large, artificial harbors were built within the city, one for harboring the city's massive navy of 220 warships and the other for mercantile trade. A walled tower overlooked both harbors. The city had massive walls, 37 km (23 mi) in length, longer than the walls of comparable cities. Most of the walls were located on the shore, thus could be less impressive, as Carthaginian control of the sea made attack from that direction difficult. The 4.0 to 4.8 km (2.5 to 3 mi) of wall on the isthmus to the west were truly massive and were never penetrated. The city had a huge necropolis or burial ground, religious area, market places, council house, towers, and a theater, and was divided into four equally sized residential areas with the same layout. Roughly in the middle of the city stood a high citadel called the ByrsaPlease note the wall that was built for the protection of this city.  Many historical locations have built walls - not a new thing.  What we need to do is correct the problems that create the need for walls but alas, I think the wall is an easier solution.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Ash Wednesday!!!

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