Saturday, March 23, 2019

March 23, 2019 Saturday#Godspeople#cousinsdinner#Halley'sComet#desintagratingpapyrus.

Get Faith
Matthew chapter 5  "For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have?"  I don't think this means not to love your loved ones, just that it is easy to do.  Now, try to love everyone you see on this day - even those that are unlovable.  All people are on this earth by God's will and belong to Him.  Maybe if you consider that they are also loved by God - regardless of what you think of them, maybe it will be easier for you to smile at them and let them believe that you care about them.  It is a start.

Get Fit
Saturday means yoga!  Put some soft clothes on, made my coffee for afterward and put the cat outside.  It is a perfect plan for my favorite AM yoga.  Maybe you prefer a class, that is okay.

On this day
2010  I must have still been layed off from work, it was a Tuesday and I was home.  I spend a lot of time calling people and sending cards, cleaning and doing laundry, keeping busy.  It was during the time that our neighbor's daughter, Keyana was in elementary school and with them working I offered to have her come and stay here after school till someone got home.  It worked out great even after I went back to work, Mom enjoyed the company.  I got dinner for Mom and Nicole and then met Waynette, Barb and Colleen at Applebys for dinner.  How do you fill your time?  I have started turning off the TV - I get more done that way.

1066 - The 18th recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet took place. Didn't we just read about this?  How often does it come around?  Every 76 years approx.

Carthage Tunisia
Regarding Phoenician writings, few remain and these seldom refer to Carthage. The more ancient and most informative are cuneiform tablets, ca. 1600–1185, from ancient Ugarit, located to the north of Phoenicia on the Syrian coast; it was a Canaanite city politically affiliated with the Hittites. The clay tablets tell of myths, epics, rituals, medical and administrative matters, and also correspondence.[162][163][164] The highly valued works of Sanchuniathon, an ancient priest of Beirut, who reportedly wrote on Phoenician religion and the origins of civilization, are themselves completely lost, but some little content endures twice removed.[165][166] Sanchuniathon was said to have lived in the 11th century, which is considered doubtful.[167][168] Much later a Phoenician History by Philo of Byblos (64–141) reportedly existed, written in Greek, but only fragments of this work survive.[169][170] An explanation proffered for why so few Phoenician works endured: early on (11th century) archives and records began to be kept on papyrus, which does not long survive in a moist coastal climate.[171] Also, both Phoenicians and Carthaginians were well known for their secrecy.[172][173]   
I learned a lesson that the VHS tapes that I taped all of my children's young years on, does 
not hold up to time either.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Amy, Alex and Richard!

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