Saturday, March 2, 2019

March 2, 2019 Saturday#PathtoJesus#Lifespath#Gamblerspath#QueenDido

Get Faith
John chapter 12:26  "Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there will my servant be also."  I have turned a big chapter in my life.  Although I always believed God was with me, now, I have to wonder why.  He loves us and continues to try and reach us.  I have not had - a - life changing moment but many moments.  The biggest being my daughters birth.  Now as health problems, and family issues build up I find more comfort in reading the word of the Lord and studying in the company of other believers than seeking earthly meaning of my life.  I do enjoy this world, the people, places and wonderful events but I now realize that other things mean more to me.  Have you considered where you are in life?  I hope wherever you are it is on the path with Jesus.

On this day
1977  I was in the process of selling my house in Birmingham and buying the house in St Clair Shores.  I had baked - chicken bread?  I don't know what that was now - but I dropped one off at my brother Mark's place.  I was always trying to feed him.  I went to Vic Tanny's to work out after that.  I sold the house in Birmingham for way too little and bought the house in St Clair Shores on the advice of  Pete my boyfriend, which turned out to be a bad purchase, but here I am 42 years later.  Life is to say the least - interesting.

1861 - The U.S. Congress created the Territory of NevadaViva Las Vegas!

Carthage Tunisia
The city developed from a Phoenician colony into the capital of a Punic empire dominating the Mediterranean during the first millennium BC.[1] The legendary Queen Dido is regarded as the founder of the city, though her historicity has been questioned. According to accounts by Timaeus of Tauromenium, she purchased from a local tribe the amount of land that could be covered by an oxhide. Cutting the skin into strips, she laid out her claim and founded an empire that would become, through the Punic Wars, the only existential threat to Rome until the coming of the Vandals several centuries later.[2]   I understand why it is hard to believe!
Carthage is located in TunisiaA map of Tunisia - Carthage in at the top right in that little bay.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Barb! and Megan G!

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