Friday, March 15, 2019

March 15, 2019 Friday#Peacetosharepeace#changeup#lockedout#Walledcity

Get Faith
Matthew chapter 5:23  "So when you are offering your gift at the altar, if you remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother or sister, and then come and offer your gift."   Disagreements with family or friends can interfere with your relationship with God.  God wants us to be one together with Him and that means that we confront our differences and agree to disagree and make peace with one another.  How can we achieve peace in this world if we can't even get over a problem with our own neighbor?  That is why God asks us to make peace before we share peace.

Get Fit
I'm trying a new workout regiment.  I am going to alternate with the Daily Dozen and a weight workout every week day and of course still do my AM Yoga on Saturday.  I'll let you know.  Have you considered changing up what you are doing or is it still working for you?

On this day
1998  Norma and I had gone up to a women's retreat with some friends from a Pentecostal church.  It was up in Leonard Michigan at a camp, a really nice place and we had a fun, interesting time.  But on this day which was Sunday, after the service I started my car to warm it up.  I didn't realize that it would lock automatically when I slammed the door.  It was a lease  that my boss had provided me with, a Grand AM, and there was an emergency number on the window, which I called and they got there in an hour and opened the door for me.  The car was nice and warm for Norma and I to drive home in. 

1998 - More than 15,000 ethnic Albanians marched in Yugoslavia to demand independence for Kosovo.

1998 - CBS' "60 Minutes" aired an interview with former White House employee Kathleen Willey. Wiley said U.S. President Clinton made unwelcome sexual advances toward her in the Oval Office in 1993.

Carthage Tunisia
Artisan workshops were located in the city at sites north and west of the harbours. The location of three metal workshops (implied from iron slag and other vestiges of such activity) were found adjacent to the naval and commercial harbours, and another two were further up the hill toward the Byrsa citadel. Sites of pottery kilns have been identified, between the agora and the harbours, and further north. Earthenware often used Greek models. A fuller's shop for preparing woolen cloth (shrink and thicken) was evidently situated further to the west and south, then by the edge of the city.[58] Carthage also produced objects of rare refinement. During the 4th and 3rd centuries, the sculptures of the sarcophagi became works of art. "Bronze engraving and stone-carving reached their zenith."[59]
The elevation of the land at the promontory on the seashore to the north-east (now called Sidi Bou Saïd), was twice as high above sea level as that at the Byrsa (100 m and 50 m). In between runs a ridge, several times reaching 50 m; it continues northwestward along the seashore, and forms the edge of a plateau-like area between the Byrsa and the sea.[60] Newer urban developments lay here in these northern districts.[61]
Surrounding Carthage were walls "of great strength" said in places to rise above 13 m, being nearly 10 m thick, according to ancient authors. To the west, three parallel walls were built. The walls altogether ran for about 33 kilometres (21 miles) to encircle the city.[62][63] The heights of the Byrsa were additionally fortified; this area being the last to succumb to the Romans in 146 BC. Originally the Romans had landed their army on the strip of land extending southward from the city.[64][65]  
 It seems that as a city or country gets bigger and better they feel a need to build a 
wall  to protect what they have from others.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Lloyd and Terrie!

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