Sunday, March 17, 2019

March 17, 2019 Sunday #John3:16#StPatsday#Cult#Businessiswarandvs.

Get Faith
Matthew 17  "Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John and led them up on a high mountain by themselves...While he was still speaking, suddenly a bright cloud overshadowed them, and from the cloud a voice said, "This is my Son, the Beloved; with him I am well pleased; listen to him!"  I think how wonderful it would be to go up on a tall mountain with Jesus and then to hear the voice of God speak.  We are unaccustomed to the hearing the voice of God.  If we heard something, we would surely think it was from speakers and look around for electronic equipment and possibly cameras.  But if you listen carefully = you might hear the voice of God - telling you how much he loves you.  Read John 3:16

On this day
2000 It is good when St Patrick's day falls on a weekend, this year was a Friday.  Mom and Marty came over for dinner - the traditional Corned Beef and Cabbage.  Nicole went to a St Patrick's dance at school.  I feel like I can still enjoy a good party and a fair share of beer, but not this year.  Today we are having a regular chicken dinner.   But you enjoy that corned beef!  I might make it later in the week.

2000 - In Kanungu, Uganda, a fire at a church linked to the cult known as the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments killed more than 530. On March 31, officials set the number of deaths linked to the cult at more than 900 after authorities subsequently found mass graves at various sites linked to the cult. These are not my people, they are bad representatives of anyone who follows the 10 commandments.

Carthage Tunisia

Trade and business[edit]

Map of the Mediterranean in 218 BC
The merchants of Carthage were in part heirs of the Mediterranean trade developed by Phoenicia, and so also heirs of the rivalry with Greek merchants. Business activity was accordingly both stimulated and challenged. Cyprus had been an early site of such commercial contests. The Phoenicians then had ventured into the western Mediterranean, founding trading posts, including Utica and Carthage. The Greeks followed, entering the western seas where the commercial rivalry continued. Eventually it would lead, especially in Sicily, to several centuries of intermittent war.[102][103] Although Greek-made merchandise was generally considered superior in design, Carthage also produced trade goods in abundance. That Carthage came to function as a manufacturing colossus was shown during the Third Punic War with Rome. Carthage, which had previously disarmed, then was made to face the fatal Roman siege. The city "suddenly organised the manufacture of arms" with great skill and effectiveness. According to Strabo (63 BC – AD 21) in his Geographica:
"[Carthage] each day produced one hundred and forty finished shields, three hundred swords, five hundred spears, and one thousand missiles for the catapults... . Furthermore, [Carthage although surrounded by the Romans] built one hundred and twenty decked ships in two months... for old timber had been stored away in readiness, and a large number of skilled workmen, maintained at public expense."[104]
Think of how well off all the people of the world would be if we hadn't wasted so much time and material on wars.  How stupid can we get?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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