Sunday, March 31, 2019

March 31, 2019 Sunday #Thelightbulb#flooding#TunisiatoYemen

Get Faith
"For once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light."  I think of that light bulb that came on over someone's head in the cartoons.  The light comes on and you understand.  Until God turns on the light you remain in the dark.  Until you learn about Christ and how God has saved you from yourself, your sins, you remain in the dark.  If you think a sunny beach sounds good - let me tell you how great it is to bask in the light of His Son.

On this day
2016  In more recent history, but not anything new - my yard was flooded and I looked out the window to see my neighbor putting more dirt in his backyard.  When I bought this house I had minor flooding in the front yard but then the neighbor to the east raised their ground to put in a garage.  Then the neighbor to my southwest put in a garage and raised the ground level.  I live in a seasonal pond, but this time I called the city.  So the guy comes out tells the neighbor behind me to level out the dirt and tells me to put an enormous downspout system around the back of the house so that my drains take the water to the front yard.  Yesterday, after a heavy rain I had ducks in my yard.  True.

2016 - Apple released the iPhone SE.  At least it isn't about war.

From Carthage Tunisia to Dharma Yemen
This air travel distance is equal to 2,733 miles.  Let's move on!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Darlene!!

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