Saturday, March 9, 2019

March 9, 2019 Saturday#ThankGod#Eastpointehouse#courtryorcity!

Get Faith
John chapter 18  "Then Jesus, knowing all that was to happen to him, came forward and asked them, "Whom are you looking for?"  They  answered, "Jesus of Nazareth."  Jesus replied, "I am he." Now it seems to me that if I were in those shoes I would have been running, denying or somehow trying to get out of that situation.  Jesus knew what he had to do, and he knew full well what was going to happen and he stayed.  He offered himself up - for you and I as an offering to cleanse US from our sin.  What a brave and loving God we have, that gives His only Son Jesus Christ to die for OUR sins in such a horrific way.  Give thanks today.

On this day
1987  Mom had bought a house in Eastpointe and Nicole and I had been over there a lot helping paint and prepare for her to move in.  Nicole was two so I think Mom was watching her while I painted etc.  Uncle Hank and Aunt Theresa stopped by to check out our progress and took us to lunch at O'Hares on 10 Mile for corned beef sandwiches - the best.  I remember we were in shorts the temps were in the 70's and you know us Michiganders - if it is over 50 degrees we have shorts and flip flops on. 

 1987 - Chrysler Corporation offered to buy American Motors Corporation. 

Carthage Tunisia
The merchant harbor at Carthage was developed, after settlement of the nearby Punic town of Utica. Eventually the surrounding countryside was brought into the orbit of the Punic urban centers, first commercially, then politically. Direct management over cultivation of neighbouring lands by Punic owners followed.[12] A 28-volume work on agriculture written in Punic by Mago, a retired army general (c. 300), was translated into Latin and later into Greek. The original and both translations have been lost; however, some of Mago's text has survived in other Latin works.[13] Olive trees (e.g., grafting), fruit trees (pomegranatealmondfigdate palm), viniculturebeescattlesheeppoultry, implements, and farm management were among the ancient topics which Mago discussed. As well, Mago addresses the wine-maker's art (here a type of sherry).[14][15][16]
In Punic farming society, according to Mago, the small estate owners were the chief producers. They were, two modern historians write, not absent landlords. Rather, the likely reader of Mago was "the master of a relatively modest estate, from which, by great personal exertion, he extracted the maximum yield." Mago counselled the rural landowner, for the sake of their own 'utilitarian' interests, to treat carefully and well their managers and farm workers, or their overseers and slaves.[17] Yet elsewhere these writers suggest that rural land ownership provided also a new power base among the city's nobility, for those resident in their country villas.[18][19] By many, farming was viewed as an alternative endeavour to an urban business. Another modern historian opines that more often it was the urban merchant of Carthage who owned rural farming land to some profit, and also to retire there during the heat of summer.[20] It may seem that Mago anticipated such an opinion, and instead issued this contrary advice (as quoted by the Roman writer Columella):
"The man who acquires an estate must sell his house, lest he prefer to live in the town rather than in the country. Anyone who prefers to live in a town has no need of an estate in the country."[21] "One who has bought land should sell his town house, so that he will have no desire to worship the household gods of the city rather than those of the country; the man who takes greater delight in his city residence will have no need of a country estate."[22]
Wow!  Political control there huh?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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