Friday, March 8, 2019

March 8, 2019 Friday #LovelikeJesus#Quiettime#millionaires#Hannibaldistrict

Get Faith
John chapter 13  "Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."  They Will Know We Are Christians by Our Love.  One of my very favorite songs - says it all.  You don't have to preach you have to live your faith - smile at people, be kind, even to those you don't agree with or like.  That is what we are called to do.  God loves all of His children on earth and wants them to be reconciled to Himself.  We can only help if we show that same all encompassing love.

Get Fit
Going for another checkup this morning with my favorite doctor.  Keeping healthy.

On this day
1985  I was pregnant with Nicole and my Mom and brother Mark came down from Gaylord.  These were "nesting" days for me - getting my house ready and the nursery, not drinking, quit smoking and being peaceful.  We played Tripoli that evening, resting up for the big event the next day.  They threw me the biggest baby shower I have ever seen - it took forever to open the gifts.  Glad I took it easy this day.

1985 - The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) reported that 407,700 Americans were millionaires. That was more than double the total from just five years before. It wasn't me.

Carthage Tunisia
The remains have been preserved under embankments, the substructures of the later Roman forum, whose foundation piles dot the district. The housing blocks are separated by a grid of straight streets about 6 m (20 ft) wide, with a roadway consisting of clay; in situstairs compensate for the slope of the hill. Construction of this type presupposes organization and political will, and has inspired the name of the neighborhood, "Hannibal district", referring to the legendary Punic general or sufet (consul) at the beginning of the second century BCE.
The habitat is typical, even stereotypical. The street was often used as a storefront/shopfront; cisterns were installed in basements to collect water for domestic use, and a long corridor on the right side of each residence led to a courtyard containing a sump, around which various other elements may be found. In some places, the ground is covered with mosaics called punica pavement, sometimes using a characteristic red mortar.
 sounds like a neighborhood today, very organized for the time I think.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Ryan!

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