Thursday, March 14, 2019

March 14, 2019 Thursday #AskGod#Bingo&Charades#carnageandcivility

Get Faith
Luke 11  "So I say to you, Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you."  This is from Jesus telling us how open to our prayers and needs is God our Father in heaven.  He wants you to bring your troubles and everything to him and He will help.  He is always available.

On this day
1997  Nicole and I went to Elmwood, her school for Family Bingo and hot dogs.  On the way home we stopped at my cousin Kathy's house for girl's night with cousins Kathy and Kay and played Charades.  This is one of those nights I'm glad I wrote down because I have no memory of it.

1647 - During the Thirty Years War, France, Sweden, Bavaria and Cologne signed a Treaty of Neutrality.   We can imagine how well that went.

Carthage Tunisia
South of the citadel, near the cothon (the inner harbours) was the tophet, a special and very old cemetery, which when begun lay outside the city's boundaries. Here the SalammbĂ´ was located, the Sanctuary of Tanit, not a temple but an enclosure for placing stone stelae. These were mostly short and upright, carved for funeral purposes. The presence of infant skeletons from here may indicate the occurrence of child sacrifice, as claimed in the Bible, although there has been considerable doubt among archeologists as to this interpretation and many consider it simply a cemetery devoted to infants.[46] Probably the tophet burial fields were "dedicated at an early date, perhaps by the first settlers."[47][48] Recent studies, on the other hand, indicate that child sacrifice was practiced by the Carthaginians.[49][50]
Between the sea-filled cothon for shipping and the Byrsa heights lay the agora [Greek: "market"], the city-state's central marketplace for business and commerce. The agora was also an area of public squares and plazas, where the people might formally assemble, or gather for festivals. It was the site of religious shrines, and the location of whatever were the major municipal buildings of Carthage. Here beat the heart of civic life. In this district of the Carthage, more probably, the ruling suffets presided, the council of elders convened, the tribunal of the 104 met, and justice was dispensed at trials in the open air.[51][52]   
I find it difficult to understand how any society can survive child sacrifice, but they apparently 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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