Sunday, March 24, 2019

March 24, 2019 Sunday#Lifewater#fosterdiscension#lostrecreated.

Get Fit
John chapter 4  "Jesus said to her, "Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty."" Are you still thinking this life and this place?  Think life with Jesus and the next life.  Jesus satisfies all of our needs and provides for us now and in heaven.  I felt bad for the Jehovah's witness that came to the door yesterday.  They had a flyer that proclaimed the joy in the death of Jesus - something to celebrate they said.  I had to ask what about his resurrection on Easter and His ascendancy to God?  Isn't that where the real joy is?  They asked me what I was talking about and asked if they could come back and talk to me again - I said I would be glad to have them back so I could talk with them.  The water of life.

On this day
2011  I was still layed off but went into the shop and paid bills and made out the bank deposit.  It actually worked out very well for me.   I stopped over at Jan's because she had been missing and not calling for a while, but she wasn't home so I left a note with the manager at the apartments.  In the evening I went to a church in Grosse Pointe that held community meetings on Foster Children.  It was something I had thought about for quite a while but lost interest when I heard the different groups disagreeing on what was best for the children in foster care.  It was disheartening.  It seems the commonality of the problem would have made them more interested in finding a solution rather than trying to be the group with the "right" answer.

1545 - German Parliament opened in Worms. 

Carthage Tunisia
Thus, of their ancient writings we have little of major interest left to us by Carthage, or by Phoenicia the country of origin of the city founders. "Of the various Phoenician and Punic compositions alluded to by the ancient classical authors, not a single work or even fragment has survived in its original idiom." "Indeed, not a single Phoenician manuscript has survived in the original [language] or in translation."[174] We cannot therefore access directly the line of thought or the contour of their worldview as expressed in their own words, in their own voice.[175] Ironically, it was the Phoenicians who "invented or at least perfected and transmitted a form of writing [the alphabet] that has influenced dozens of cultures including our own."[176][177][178]
As noted, the celebrated ancient books on agriculture written by Mago of Carthage survives only via quotations in Latin from several later Roman works.
There are hundreds of books surmising what the writings would have said if they hadn't been lost....  Looks interesting - the 178 books they have listed about this ancient history.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Bobby!!

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