Saturday, March 30, 2019

March 30, 2019 Saturday #Don'tjudge#Busyatlife#Tunisiancluture

Get Faith
Luke chapter 18  ""God, be merciful to me, a sinner!"  I tell you, this man went down to his home justified rather than the other; for all who exalt themselves will be humbled, but all who humble themselves will be exalted."    God knows what is in the heart of those who act superior to anyone, you don't have to be the judge or you end up in the same shoes as the person you were judging. 

On this day
2015  When your loved one is having health issues - you have health issues.  This year was a bad one with Mom and at this point she was in St Mary's and I was trying to find a better place for her.  I had gone to Beechwood but was led to believe she couldn't afford to be there.  I visited her everyday and tried to make the best of her situation as she was doing as well.  I was also trying to finish my book on the 60's for my 50th class reunion coming up in the fall.  Nicole and I were also planning a visit to Scotland to celebrate her 30th birthday.  Hey!  life is short, live it up.  Work hard and play hard.

1814 - The allied European nations against Napoleon marched into Paris. Isn't this the year the song talked about "In 1814 we took a little trip - down the ,,,,,.?" 

Because of the Muslim prohibition on reproducing the human image, the ruling dynasties of Tunisia stifled pictorial art for centuries; painters therefore often turned to calligraphy. Painting as a Tunisian art form was not reborn until the French protectorate. Although at the beginning of the twentieth century galleries were reserved for European painters, native Tunisian artists such as Moses Levy and Yahia Turki were able to obtain permission to present their work.[66]
The birth of a Tunisian contemporary style of painting is strongly linked to the School of Tunis. Established in 1949 by a group of Tunisian artists headed by Pierre Boucherle and including Yahia TurkiAbdelaziz GorgiMoses LevyAmmar Farhat and Jules Lellouche, it aimed to incorporate native themes and reject the influence of Orientalist colonial painting, bringing together French and Tunisian Muslims, Christians and Jews. Some members of the school have turned to the Arab-Muslim sources for inspiration, such as miniature Islamic architecture. The school includes both Expressionist painters such as Amara DebbacheJellal Ben Abdallah and Ali Ben Salem, and abstract artists such as Edgar NaccacheNello Levy and Hedi Turki.[66]
Hope you have enjoyed Tunisia and the history of Carthage!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Norma, Diedre and Dave P!!

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