Wednesday, March 20, 2019

March 20, 2019 Wednesday#Peace&Love#Serve#Losthistory

Get Faith
Matthew chapter 20  "but Jesus called them to him and said,"....Just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."  We assume anyone coming to be our king, our leader, would want all the riches and position to go along with the job.  We are accustomed to people with a lot of money abusing their position - because they can.  Jesus came to serve us and bring us life with the abundance being peace and love.

On this day
2006  When I got home from work Waynette was waiting for me.  We (Grace circle) went down to Christ Iroquois to serve dinner to the homeless.  Pastor Jerry and his wife Sandy, Carolyn, Claudette, Cheryl, Jackie and a friend all came down to help.  We started helping with homeless dinners in the 1990's and are still doing them when the opportunity arises.  As a matter of fact we are doing another one tonight at Triumphant Cross in St Clair Shores.  It is good for the soul.

1413 - Henry V took the throne of England upon the death of his father Henry IV. Jeopardy info.

Carthage Tunisia
"[F]rom the Greek author Plutarch [(c. 46 – c. 120)] we learn of the 'sacred books' in Punic safeguarded by the city's temples. Few Punic texts survive, however."[144] Once "the City Archives, the Annals, and the scribal lists of suffets" existed, but evidently these were destroyed in the horrific fires during the Roman capture of the city in 146 BC.[145]
Yet some Punic books (Latin: libri punici) from the libraries of Carthage reportedly did survive the fires.[146] These works were apparently given by Roman authorities to the newly augmented Berber rulers.[147][148] Over a century after the fall of Carthage, the Roman politician-turned-author Gaius Sallustius Crispus or Sallust (86–34) reported his having seen volumes written in Punic, which books were said to be once possessed by the Berber king, Hiempsal II (r. 88–81).[149][150][151] By way of Berber informants and Punic translators, Sallust had used these surviving books to write his brief sketch of Berber affairs.[152][153] 
I feel it is a huge loss to everyone when an entire civilizations info is lost or destroyed.  Our 
history on this world is beneficial to all.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Andrea and Carol!!

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