Monday, November 11, 2019

November 11, 2019 Monday#Onesacrifice#QTIPS#42ndState#Culture

Get Faith
Psalm 80  "Father in heaven, you who were pleased to accept the sacrifice of your Son for the sin of the world, Stir up in me faith and works of charity."  In all the thousands of years when the people of God would take a precious animal from their flock and sacrifice it to our God because it was required, God accepted their thank or repentance offer - for their sake, so they could feel saved and forgiven.  It was never enough for the people to actually believe it was enough and so it went on and on.  When Jesus died on the cross, once and for all, God accepted his death for all of us, for all sin and forever.  That alone should boost your faith! and your desire to do good.

On this day
2014  Had a lot of errands to run on this day, beginning with Mom to the ear doctor.  There comes a time in our lives when we all start experiencing hearing loss and Mom was 92.  She had always had hearing like a bat, it was hard to put anything by her but lately she had been accusing Nicole and I of whispering so she couldn't hear what we were saying, and, she said we turned the TV down so she couldn't hear it.  So we first went to one of those places that test your hearing for a hearing aid.  He found one of her ears were blocked by something and told us to go to an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor.  So, on this day we had her examined.  After poking around in her ear he told me to hold out my hand .... I said no, he insisted and he dropped this horrible piece of cotton from a Q tip in my hand.  No idea how long it had been in there.  She could hear fine after that.  The moral of this story is DO NOT PUT Q TIPS TOO DEEP INTO YOUR EAR!!!!!

1889 - Washington became the 42nd state of the United States.  Only 130 years ago.

Itagui Colombia


Although the town has been known Itagüí in the national as a locality with a strong industrial and commercial vocation, it would still be a major cultural center of the Aburrá Valley and the Antioquia department. Itagüí shown to have important exponents of the art, in painting with Eladio Vélez, in writing, the poet Carlos Enrique Sierra and sculpture find Salvador Arango . Eladio Vélez On behalf of the School of Art this Eladio Vélez Art School Itagüí a historic place in providing artistic alternatives for citizens.
The rich cultural treasures customs of a population cheerful, hardworking, with a high degree of religiousness and the strength of its own that since ancient characterizes Antioquia department. The main cultural precinct Itagüí is the House of Culture of Itagüí Diego Echavarría Misas. Recently opened Museum Graciliano Arcila Vélez, located in a historic district for Itagüí, rosary, as this is found indigenous parts of the tribes that inhabited this territory. Itagüí has the South Auditorium which hosts various events, among them the Festival Theatre Itagüi City.
Diego Echavarría Misas
Bust of Diego Echavarría Misas, located in the main square of the city of Itagui, Colombia.
Bust of Diego Echavarría Misas, located in the main square of the city of Itagui, Colombia.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!!  

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