Tuesday, November 19, 2019

November 19, 2019 Tuesday#Revelation#Noroom#Lincoln#biodiversity

Get Faith
Revelation chapter 6  "For the great day of wrath has come, and who is able to stand?"    This end of times book was explained to me as a message to the people of that age, but it is still a good message to us.  As a reminder that our hope is in Jesus Christ who died for our sin and set us free from evil, we are saved from the end times.  Our future is secure with God through his son and our savior.  You should know that our God that created the earth and all that is in it can also take it all away.  But!  take heart it also describes the beautiful, serene place that God's children all go when they die in Revelation.

On this day
1983  My house was full.  Andy and Alice were still living here, my friend Tom from work had a room here and Mark my future husband was here a lot.  My brother Mark got kicked out of his girlfriends house, as can happen, but he was devastated at losing her 3 year old son that he cared for while she worked, and (she) used drugs.  He was in bad shape, his diabetes and emotional being were in terrible shape.  I went to the state for help as he had no regular income and by chance found a home in Utica ran by some wonderful people that would take him in for a  small allowance from the state and help from my brother Andy and I.  So on this day we packed up what few belongings Mark had left and moved him to the Perkins home.  My heart was broken that his life was so sad and empty and after years of trying, I couldn't fix it.

1863 - U.S. President Lincoln delivered his Gettysburg Address as he dedicated a national cemetery at the site of the Civil War battlefield in Pennsylvania.  Republican presidents have sure changed.

Itagui Colombia
Colombia has the second-highest biodiversity in the world[13] and is one of the world's 17 megadiverse countries; its territory encompasses Amazon rainforesthighlandsgrasslandsdeserts, and islands and coastlines along both the Atlantic and Pacific (the only country in South America).
Colombia is the only NATO Global Partner in Latin America.[14] It is part of the CIVETS group of leading emerging markets and a member of the UN, the WTO, the OAS, the Pacific Alliance, an associate member of Mercosur and other international organizations.[15] Colombia's diversified economy is the third largest in South America, with macroeconomic stability and favorable long-term growth prospects.[16][17]
Well this comes as a surprise to me.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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