Friday, November 29, 2019

November 29, 2019 Friday #Advent#Change#Devil/drugs#SimonBolivar!

Get Faith
Revelation chapter 20   "Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain."  If you are awake and aware you know that there is an unfortunate balance to this world/life.  Good and evil are present in all things and time.  This passage talks about the Devil having been chained up in the pit but is loosed on the world after a period of time.  You can put together your own understanding of all this - but you can't deny the presence of evil in our world - it's on the news 24/7.  I know a lot of people that do not believe in the Devil and it's sanctuary - hell, but look around and wonder today if that angel was locking it up or turning it loose.  We are entering a time of Advent, which is waiting for the birth of our King Jesus Christ and the goodness and salvation He offers.  It's a good time to denounce the devil and all his hold on this place as Jesus did.

On this day
1993  It was a Monday and after work and school we got the Christmas decor down (Nicole and I) and we did the lights on the bushes.  The plan was to watch the hockey game and do laundry after that but Nicole was sad over the changes in our holiday expectations this year.  When there is a change in family dynamics, children have a hard time adjusting, especially at the holidays.  So we ditched the hockey game and laundry and played games.  Please note during this time that if you have had changes in your life - your children should be your first  concern.  I promise you if you don't make them a priority and work through this together it will affect all of their lives, especially yours.

Dec 29 Todd Bridges arrested for transporting methamphetamine (speed)  And here is something that can make dismal changes to the holidays, lives and expectations.

Itagui Colombia


The Battle of Boyacá was the decisive battle that ensured success of the liberation campaign of New Granada.
Since the beginning of the periods of conquest and colonization, there were several rebel movements against Spanish rule, but most were either crushed or remained too weak to change the overall situation. The last one that sought outright independence from Spain sprang up around 1810 and culminated in the Colombian Declaration of Independence, issued on 20 July 1810, the day that is now celebrated as the nation's Independence Day.[64] This movement followed the independence of St. Domingue (present-day Haiti) in 1804, which provided some support to an eventual leader of this rebellion: Simón BolívarFrancisco de Paula Santander also would play a decisive role.[65][66][67]
The Socorro Province was the site of the genesis of the independence process.
A movement was initiated by Antonio Nariño, who opposed Spanish centralism and led the opposition against the Viceroyalty.[68] Cartagena became independent in November 1811.[69] In 1811 the United Provinces of New Granada were proclaimed, headed by Camilo Torres Tenorio.[70][71] The emergence of two distinct ideological currents among the patriots (federalism and centralism) gave rise to a period of instability.[72] Shortly after the Napoleonic Wars ended, Ferdinand VII, recently restored to the throne in Spain, unexpectedly decided to send military forces to retake most of northern South America. The viceroyalty was restored under the command of Juan Sámano, whose regime punished those who participated in the patriotic movements, ignoring the political nuances of the juntas.[73] The retribution stoked renewed rebellion, which, combined with a weakened Spain, made possible a successful rebellion led by the Venezuelan-born Simón Bolívar, who finally proclaimed independence in 1819.[74][75] The pro-Spanish resistance was defeated in 1822 in the present territory of Colombia and in 1823 in Venezuela.[76][77][78]    This is very reminiscent of our own history - fighting against the 
European power and establishing two powers of their own that eventually turn into civil issues
as we have experienced here.  We just don't want peace do we?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Bill B!

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