Wednesday, November 6, 2019

November 6, 2019 Wednesday #Holypartners#Keyana#Nutabes

Get Faith
Hebrews chapter 3  "Therefore, brothers and sister, holy partners in a heavenly calling, consider that Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession, was faithful to the one who appointed him, just as Moses also "was faithful in all God's house."  This book of Hebrews, I read, is not written by  a known disciple, and is not by Paul.  It seems to me that it must have been a converted jew because of the strong connection to Moses that is mentioned, but that is just my take on this.  We all are "partners in a heavenly calling" as the writer says with Christ at our head.  The church is our home base and the world is our mission field.  Christians are still persecuted in some places in the world and looked down on in many more places.  Join us in church to strengthen and grow our faith again, the world needs you.

On this day
2008  It was 70 degrees and sunny this day and after work I must have wanted someone to be outside with.  My journal says I went next door and asked my neighbors daughter Keyana to come play outside.  Now, I know in the summer she would come over and sit in my little pool with me and often she would bring her puppy over to play, but I don't recall what we did, I only know that I thought we needed some fresh air and energy.  That was 11 years ago and although they have moved away and she graduated from high school - I still see her on Facebook.  I hope she still likes to go out and play.

1789 - Father John Carroll was appointed as the first Roman Catholic bishop in the United States of America. I would have thought this would have happened earlier.

Itagui Colombia


The territory of the present Itagüí was, along with those of Envigado and Sabaneta, a territory inhabited by Nutabes, indigenous tribe which some historians and researchers are classified within the Chibcha language family. The town was inhabited from the early days of the sixteenth century.
Some historians that the name comes from the indigenous chief "Bitagüí", apparently his tribe inhabited this territory, although this may be just a legend. Initially Bitagüí site belonged to different owners, many of whom lived in Medellin. However, later, was inhabited by people who had ties to the founding families of "the Villa" (Medellin).  good to know

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Ruth and Sheena

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