Thursday, November 7, 2019

November 7, 2019 Thursday #Hewantsyou!#oldfriends#themedia#reliefwithinconsiderableheights

Get Faith
Hebrews chapter 4  "Indeed, the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart."   Our God is alive and well and continually tries to communicate with us through the church, His Word and one another.  He tries to reach into this sinful world and yank us out by our ears or tongues or whatever is keeping us from his love and company.  He will not give up on you - you belong to Him.

On this day
2009  Was a Saturday and Nicole came home from doing a Middle school lock in at church (so she probably went to sleep).  My old buddy Don Miller came over to check out my snow blower for me, I sure miss him.  In between cleaning and laundry I snuck across the street to visit with Ty and Dewey, did some grocery shopping and Nicole went out to Briann's wedding.  Nice memories of a fall day.

1665 - "The London Gazette" was first published.  I wonder how biased it was?

Itagui Colombia


Itagüi is located south of the Aburrá Valley, a valley in the Andes, has an area of 17 km2, making it the third smallest municipality in Colombia. The municipality is fully urbanized in the flat.
Itagüi has a relief with inconsiderable heights belonging to the Central Cordillera. The heights are: High Manzanillo and the hills of Three Sweet Names and El Cacique The main stream is the Medellín River, which forms the border with the municipalities of Envigado and Sabaneta. The most important tributary of the river, in the town, is the creek Dona Maria Itagüi walking from west to east.  That was hard to read and understand, I think the translation is not good.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Emily!!

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