Saturday, November 16, 2019

November 16, 2019 Saturday #SharetheGospel#Moredrama#NRA#TraveltoColombia

Get Faith
Hebrews chapter 13  "For here we have no lasting city, but we are looking for the city that is to come."  At my age, I may be looking harder for that city to come, but for those younger the work to share the Gospel is greater, and making this life better for those we love, is the work.  That is not to say that I am off the hook, we are always called to share the Gospel.  I see great things happening for this generation, for making a better world for the community and reaching those who need to be reached.  I sense an awakening to make the world a better place for everyone and everything.  Better awareness should always be coupled with thanks and praise to God for making us more knowledgeable and giving us the resources to act on.  Jesus is at work now as he was then.

On this day
1977  Pete and I had a less than perfect relationship, always at odds with each other.  When you live your life that way it effects everyone else around you.  Like this day, I had lunch with Les and was supposed to have dinner with my ex husband Don - but cancelled dinner with Don because Pete made a play to reconcile our latest disagreement over dinner.  When I got home I called Pam and hashed the whole thing over with her and she gave me her best advise as usual -  and Pete moved back in the next day.  Where is that emoji with the 😕 yep confused face!  I was 30, you would think I' know better.

1871 - The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) was first chartered in the State of New York.  This is a powerful group, not only because they are armed.

Itagui Colombia

The British Embassy in Colombia, with the backing of the Foreign Office’s Travel Aware platform, launched last month a campaign to make sure British citizens take care – and are risk-aware – when visiting popular destinations in the country.
With a manual full of tips and recommendations on how to be safe in major cities and rural destinations, the campaign #BritsInColombia is an important UK government initiative that regardless of nationality, all tourists should follow. With the slogan “A little local knowledge goes a long way,” the 20-page pocket guide tells Britons what many ex-pats living in Colombia may already know, but for outsiders is a revelation, such as layered clothing to deal with Bogotá’s fast-changing weather.
According to UK Ambassador Colin Martin-Reynolds, the idea behind publishing this guide is to help strengthen bilateral relations and change perceptions. “We believe that if British people come to Colombia and have a great time, without becoming consular cases, they will go back and spread the work, creating increased opportunities for investment and cultural links,” explained ambassador Martin-Reynolds.
This campaign comes after identifying a surge in travelers and diversification of destinations within Colombia as a result of the signing of the peace agreement with the FARC guerrilla in 2016. Colombia’s migration authority, Migración Colombia, estimates there are 3,500 British residents in the country, and 4,400 visitors at any time, totaling 53.000 per year.  Good info for Americans too.
Enjoy the day  Make it memorable   Happy Birthday Cholo

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