Wednesday, November 13, 2019

November 13, 2019 Wednesday#BelieveinHim#Northland#Tunnel#ClaudiaLopez!

Get Faith
Hebrews chapter 11  "And without faith it is impossible to please God, for whoever would approach him must believe that he exists, and that he rewards those who seek him."  And, quite honestly why would you try to please someone that you don't even believe in?  So first let's get you on the right page to acknowledging that there is, indeed, a God (only one) and that he could be as involved in your life as you would like him to be.  The benefits are endless - peace, comfort, forgiveness, joy, love,  and the faith that you will have  eternal life with Him and the rest of us who believe.  You have so much more to gain in believing than denying His existence. Get a Bible and join us at church.

On this day
1967  I was working at Quality Picture Frame on McNichols near Livernois.  I was specific about having worked till 5:45!  I was never much for working overtime, especially those days.  After work I met up with my friend Nan and we went shopping at Northland and then back to her her place.  I know she had been married already but I don't remember where she was living at this time, maybe back at her parents house on Mansfield in Detroit.  Northland was the largest shopping center ever at this time, with many stores surrounding J.L. Hudson's in the middle.  I remember Winkelman's and later Four Seasons.  I'm sure there was a drug store and a grocery store but in 1967 I'm sure I was only interested in clothes.  They had some great statues there as well.  Enjoy the pictures

1927 - The Holland Tunnel opened to the public, providing access between New York City and New Jersey beneath the Hudson River. Amazing that they could do this.

Itagui Colombia
With many labels they have tried to define Claudia López as a politician and as a human being: woman, lesbian, first mayor of Bogotá, anti-corruption fight, screamer, emphatic, etc. However, the label she defined for her political career and especially for this campaign is one, “a woman of the common”.
Claudia López, elected mayor of Bogotá. / Photo: LatinAmerican Post | Alberto Castaño

The elected mayor was born into a middle-class family who suffered all the inclemencies of an unequal country, which dodged all the needs presented to a girl born in a popular middle class neighborhood in a huge city that, if not friendly in the 21st century, much less was it in the 70s when she grew up in the neighborhoods La Granja, Puente Aranda, La Candelaria, Engativá and even in one of the most depressed areas of Bogotá, in Ciudad Bolívar.  I'm impressed!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Char!

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