Saturday, November 9, 2019

November 9, 2019 Saturday#teachers#changeisinevitable!#Abdicate#TheMayor

Get Faith
Hebrews chapter 5  "For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic elements of the oracles of God."  The "basic elements of the oracles of God".  That sounds like a month long Bible Study, or I should say a lifetime of Bible study.  We can never know enough - AND when you think you do you read something new that opens another door to understanding.  Study your oracles!!

On this day
2012  I was newly retired so I had an all new schedule I adhered to.   Did you say OCD?  yes.  Nicole, and Craig came home from Chicago and it says Nicole spent the whole day in bed with the cat.  She had moved back home - I was happy and now we had to adjust to a new kitty, Nola, in the house.  It took him a while to get us (me) trained but he did.   Later in the day Nicole and Craig went downtown.  If you are like me and get bored occasionaly with life - wait and something will change.

1918 - Germany's Kaiser Wilhelm II announced he would abdicate. He then fled to the Netherlands.  He knew the change was coming.

Itagui Colombia

Political structure - administrative[edit]

CAMI offices the mayor of the city.
Itagüí is governed by a democratic system based on administrative decentralization processes generated from the proclamation of the Colombian Constitution of 1991. The city is governed by a mayor (executive) and a Municipal Council (legislative power).
Itagüí Mayor is the head of government and municipal administration, representing legal, judicial and extra to the municipality. It is a position elected by popular vote for a four-year period, which currently is held by León Mario Bedoya López for the period 2012-2015. Among its main functions is the administration of the resources of the municipality, to ensure the welfare and interests of their fellow citizens and represent them in the national government, while supporting local policies to improve their quality of life, such as health programs, housing, education and road infrastructure and maintain public order.
The council is a public corporation Itagüí popular vote, made up of 19 councilors from different political, democratically elected for a four. The council is the legislative body of the municipality issued mandatory arrangements within its territorial jurisdiction. Its functions include the mayor approving projects, determine the structure of local government and the functions of its dependencies, issue budget organic standards and issue annual budget of revenues and expenditures.
To manage the municipality, the Mayor has 12 departments, 3-way and 4 advisory offices:  sounds fair!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Donn!!

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