Saturday, November 16, 2019

November 15, 2019 Friday#Angels#70'sdrama#Gen.Sherman#CaucaRiver

Get Faith
Hebrews chapter 13  "Let mutual love continue.  do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it..."  I have had some occasions that I wondered if I had been "visited", have you?  It wasn't Gabriel or Michael in bright white clothes that glowed like the sun, they were regular looking people, that after they left - I wondered, were they?  The fact is we should treat all people with love and kindness - just in case.

On this day
1976  Was a Monday and I worked, Sue was off sick - I don't really remember Sue, but she was apparently taking MY favorite day to take off.  The boss was working at the Orchard Mall store and Andy stopped by the shop to see me.  I was, as usual, working two jobs and when I went to the Scotch and Sirloin to cover the hat check (which was a profitable job, but not on Monday) I found out that Waynette had been layed off the previous week.  She had bought her own home and moved out so  I'm sure this was traumatic for her, but we were not talking at the time, as happens with friends, regretfully.  My boyfriend Pete was in Milwaukee (business) and called at 3 am.  Probably to check on me but I wondered what he had been up to till 3 in Milwaukee on a Monday night. Oh to be young again!  The drama, the heartbreak!  lol

1864 - Union Gen. William T. Sherman and his troops began their "March to the Sea" during the U.S. Civil War.  Only 155 years ago, seems like it should have been longer, doesn't it?

Itagui Colombia
The reservoir filling the Cauca River valley behind the Hidroituango Dam, Antioquia, Colombia, October 3, 2019
The lower bowels of the Hidroituango hydroelectric dam, four hours outside of Medellín, Colombia, are generally reached through tunnels saturated with stale petrichor and air that grows thicker with every step downward. Tunnel walls shift from gray to mud-colored on the descent, and warm drops of water fall from the craggy roof. For eight months, these tunnels and chambers were the conduit for Colombia’s second largest river, the Cauca, and when I visited in October, the scars of the river’s visitation were evident in concave sections of the walls where eddies of water had abraded hollows. Workers were busy clearing sections where debris had collected during the water’s course.  You can read more about this in Colombian current news.  Beautiful country!

enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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