Friday, November 8, 2019

November 8, 2019 Friday# convinced#priorities#Montana#economicengine!

Get Faith
Hebrews chapter 4  "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who in every respect has been tested as we are, yet without sin."  He set the bar pretty high didn't He?  Jesus, sent by God our Father came to earth to live as one among us and be an example of a good and true servant of the Father.  In addition to that, after leading a perfect sin free life - he innocently died a horrible death in our place to save us from our sins.  It was orchestrated by God our Father to convince us of His great unending love for us.  Are you convinced yet?  Let's work on that!

On this day
2010  Was a Monday and work was slow as the construction business slows down this time of year, sometimes.  I had to leave early so I could take Mom's glasses to the eye doctor and have the right lens replaced because they put the wrong one in.  Poor Mom, she complained after getting the new glasses that she still couldn't see, so of course it meant another vision check and the realization that they had in fact screwed up.  That meant I missed time from work on 3 days - which meant nothing to them.  But at last Mom got her correct lens and was able to clearly watch her favorite show of the time - Dancing with the Stars.  It is the little things.  Nicole was home but running to Chicago on a regular basis for job interviews. 

1889 - Montana became the 41st U.S. state.  
Assiniboine family, Montana, 1890–91

Itagui Colombia


Itagüí has a favorable tax rate compared to the surrounding Antioquia Department in having a higher tax collection; which has resulted in the development of major infrastructure in the last 10 years, making it one of Colombia's most important economic engines. Itagüí became the site of Colombia's first motorcycle assembly plant when Auteco opened a factory there in 1962. It also has the presence of other big companies like Carrefour, which has worldwide recognition as Walmart.
A large distilleryFLA, has operated for a century manufacturing rumsliqueursaguardientes and other distilled beverages.
The city has the Municipal Administrative Center Itagüí (CAMI), which holds the government and regulating the economy and politics of the city. The CAMI is an urban complex that performs the functions of the local town hall in the subregion Itagui Aburrá Valley in the department of Antioquia in Colombia.
I'm impressed!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Robyn and Willie!

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