Tuesday, November 26, 2019

November 26, 2019 Tuesday#Thedragon#chrismon's#warandbusiness#Slavery

Get Faith
Revelation chapter 12  "So when the dragon saw that he had been thrown down to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child..."  I admit to never having read this part of Revelation.  It seems mystical, not biblical but - read it again, in fact read it all.  To continue it says the earth came to the help of the woman, but the dragon was left to make war on the rest of her children. If you remember her son Cain left the door open by murdering his brother.  I think we can guess the woman was Eve and that the dragon is chasing all of us - her children.  Keep close to God - know that Jesus is the testimony that you need to commit to memory.

On this day
1990  I worked on this day and so Nicole went to Grandma El's for the day.  They always had a great time, Mom poured out all her heart and soul into Nicole - more so than any of the rest of us.  Nicole was a fun well mannered child, easy to entertain and be with. I think she melted Grandma's old hard headed German upbringing.  For Nicole a lot of that might have had to do with her family of loving kind people being a great example.  Beside working a couple days a week I was still running Sunday School and a few other jobs at church.  After dinner Nicole and I went to church to check out the Christmas tree the ladies had put up.  It was not a Santa and toys kind of tree, it was decorated with what the church called Chrismons.  They were ornaments all hand made to represent different things in the Bible.  Mom had made a bird of pearls and feathers with red droplets, and I wish I could tell you the meaning of it - I can't, but it was beautiful and Mom was very proud of it.

1990 - Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev met with Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz at the Kremlin to demand that Iraq withdraw from Kuwait.  Again, did you think this was a new war?

1990 - Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. agreed to acquire MCA Inc. for $6.6 billion. 

Itagui Colombia

Colonial exchange

In 1542, the region of New Granada, along with all other Spanish possessions in South America, became part of the Viceroyalty of Peru, with its capital in Lima.[46] In 1547, New Granada became the Captaincy-General of New Granada within the viceroyalty.
In 1549, the Royal Audiencia was created by a royal decree, and New Granada was ruled by the Royal Audience of Santa Fe de Bogotá, which at that time comprised the provinces of Santa Marta, Rio de San Juan, Popayán, Guayana and Cartagena.[47] But important decisions were taken from the colony to Spain by the Council of the Indies.[48][49]

In the 16th century, Europeans began to bring slaves from Africa. Spain was the only European power that could not establish factories in Africa to purchase slaves; therefore, the Spanish empire relied on the asiento system, awarding merchants (mostly from PortugalFranceEngland, and the Dutch Empire) the license to trade enslaved people to their overseas territories.[51][52] Some people defended the human rights and freedoms of oppressed peoples.[Note 3][Note 4] The indigenous peoples could not be enslaved because they were legally subjects of the Spanish Crown.[57] To protect the indigenous peoples, several forms of land ownership and regulation were established: resguardosencomiendas and haciendas.[42][43
this might be something new that you haven't learned about slavery - how it was handled and avoided in South America. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Emmitt

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