Saturday, November 2, 2019

November 2, 2019 Saturday#Yoursoul#Manorparty?#foundedin1743

Get Faith
III John chapter 2  "Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, just as it is well with your soul."  And now I know where that song came from.  And what could be better than it being well with your soul?  How is your soul today?  Do you know that you came sit quietly and ask your soul to pray everything you need to pray for?  You soul has God's ear, 24/7.  When our own words don't come, when we are unhappy or stressed, you can call on your soul to take up the cross and carry it for you.  Our internet connection with God.  It is well with my soul.

On this day
2004  - This was election day in this year and I voted for Bush.  He ran against Kerry and quite honestly I can't say anything about the man, on either side.  I have been a Republican since the 1970's when I started working.  Although I have never made money that put me in the middle class, I have always voted for the business side of the aisle.  I believe in working for a living and taking care of your responsibilities.  That is not to say that I don't care about the poor, I do and I understand the inequality of income in our country, but without good business to support all of those who work and keep the economy strong, we not only cannot care for ourselves but the poor as well.  I was a party voter but things have changed.  It isn't necessarily a party vote anymore but a popularity contest as to who is running or in this case the lesser of two evils.  Let's look at those on the side of the government parties - how do they shape up?

1776 - During the American Revolutionary War, William Demont, became the first traitor of the American Revolution when he deserted.  wonder what the rest of the story is?

Itagui Columbia


Founded in 1743, Itagüí[2] was declared a municipality in 1832. Its name comes some historians of an indigenous chief named Bitagüí. Two of its most representative Diego Echavarría Misas and Eladio Vélez.
There were two chapels in Itagüí in colonial times. One in the place of the Tablaza that had been owned by Bruno Saldarriaga, built thanks to the permission that the Bishop of Popayán Francisco José de Figueredo granted December 19, 1743. Francisco Riaza and Bruno Saldarriaga who Lot more to the small temple, gave an extension of thirty blocks for the drawing of a population. This chapel was what later came to be elevated to the status of parish.
In 1774, the priest of Medellin Juan Salvador de Villa called for the creation of four parishes: MedellinBelloEnvigado and Itagüí. On 29 April 1825 party Itagüí neighbors gave Mr. Joaquín Vélez Velasquez to represent them before the civil and ecclesiastical governments to achieve this party was elevated to parish district. Then took office as the first bishop of Antioch Mariano Orjuela Garnica and the attorney raised the request, but Monsignor Garnica said I should go first to the civil authority, i.e., the governor of the province. This was done, but the governor, Gregorio Maria Urreta was adverse and so reported in a communication of 13 January 1829.  Though most places begin with the blessings of the church or some religion -- things often change for political reasons.  or $

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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