Saturday, November 30, 2019

November 30, 2019 Saturday#Homeatlast#dinnerandcrafts#McDonalds#Viceroyalty

Get Faith
Revelation chapter 21 
"See, the home of God is among mortals,
He will dwell with them as their God;
they will be his peoples,
and God himself will be with them;
he will wipe every tear from their eyes." 

This is our promise, to live with our God in peace and love and kindness and Glory to our Father, Son and Holy Spirit that have sustained us here in this life.  They have provided all we need to be children of our Holy God and we will at last be joined with God in the heavenly home.  What a promise!!!

On this day
2001  It was a Friday, Nicole was 16 and had her car so Mom and I were on our own.  We went over to church for dinner and crafts.  We loved these events that too soon disappeared from the agenda, but I still have many of the crafts that we made.  The three snowmen that we stick in the ground (if it isn't frozen yet)  Mom painted the Mom, I painted the Dad and Nicole painted the child snowman - a fond memory of those craft nights at church!  Those must have been the year before when Nicole was with us, Mom and I probably made the candy containers this year.  It was all good!

2001 - For the first time in it's history, McDonald's teamed up with a retail partner on its Happy Meal promotions. Toys R Us provided plush figures from it's Animal Alley.  Nicole would have been too old for this so I don't remember.  I do remember the Bearenstein Bear ones though!!!

Itagui Colombia
The territory of the Viceroyalty of New Granada became the Republic of Colombia, organized as a union of the current territories of Colombia, Panama, Ecuador, Venezuela, parts of Guyana and Brazil and north of Marañón River.[79] The Congress of Cúcuta in 1821 adopted a constitution for the new Republic.[80][81] Simón Bolívar became the first President of Colombia, and Francisco de Paula Santander was made Vice President.[82] However, the new republic was unstable and three countries emerged from the collapse of Gran Colombia in 1830 (New Granada, Ecuador and Venezuela).[83][84]
Formation of the present Colombia since the Viceroyalty of New Granada's independence from the Spanish Empire
Colombia was the first constitutional government in South America,[85] and the Liberal and Conservative parties, founded in 1848 and 1849, respectively, are two of the oldest surviving political parties in the Americas.[86] Slavery was abolished in the country in 1851.[87][88]
Internal political and territorial divisions led to the dissolution of Gran Colombia in 1830.[83][84] The so-called "Department of Cundinamarca" adopted the name "New Granada", which it kept until 1858 when it became the "Confederación Granadina" (Granadine Confederation). After a two-year civil war in 1863, the "United States of Colombia" was created, lasting until 1886, when the country finally became known as the Republic of Colombia.[85][89] Internal divisions remained between the bipartisan political forces, occasionally igniting very bloody civil wars, the most significant being the Thousand Days' War (1899–1902).[90]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Kristin L and Sarah!

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