Thursday, April 30, 2015

April 30, 2015 #month?

Get Fit
Last night some friends and I started a country line dance class.  If you are looking for a fun way to get some exercise, this is it!  So this morning I just did a muscle warm up and a little leg and arm weight work out with Denise.  Trick yourself into getting some exercise.

Get Faith
Colossians 3:1-11 This is about how being a Christian changes you.  The study writer says - "In reality, what people need - what all of us need - is not an external make-over but an inner transformation. "  Does it worry you that you will be changed in a way you don't like? 

On this day:
2003 - During the four years my daughter was in high school - I was in the Mom and Dad's Club.  It seems like most of my time was spent in the concession stand, either inside the school or outside at the athletic field.  Watching for a government program that will start paying for this and be retroactive.  Just kidding.

0313 - Licinius unified the whole of the eastern empire under his own rule.  Wow this seems huge but I don't even recognize his name.  Even big jobs go unnoticed some time.

Parenting - Took my daughter with me to the assisted living place with me, because as I told them - I needed more brains on it.  She helped a lot and even went on line for back up with government issues.  I'm hoping when I get to a retirement home there will be that pension for the parents that worked public schools for no pay for so much of their lives.  I guess our reward is in our children.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

     Looking for something to do one day, I scrambled out the side door.  She had a boxer that wouldn’t let you sneak up to their house.   I loved that dog, his name was Rocky.   I would go through the hedge - cross the alley and enter the gate to Maddie’s yard, no problem if the dog was in the house.  If he was in the yard he barked and jumped like I was a long lost friend.  He was a beautiful dog. It made me miss our dog Tippy that we had when we lived at the lake.  Dad got rid of her when we moved to the city.  I think because Mom couldn’t just let her out because the yard wasn’t fenced.  But I loved that my friends had dogs.
Kalkaska Michigan - packing up to leave here today, make sure you get your Kalkaska t-shirt and one for all your kids/grandchildren!  Moving to Las Tunas Cuba!
Enjoy the Day  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Adam!

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