Friday, October 30, 2015

October 30, 2015 Friday #Pilates#fair#opportunity#dinnertime#NASCAR#Latvianfolkarts

Get Fit
Last time for Denise Austin video Pilates for Every body.  Anyone?  Being 68 comes with a certain reality.  I will never quit though.

Get Faith
Matthew 20:1-16 This is the story of the workers in the vineyard as told by Jesus.  This is the end of the day after the workers had worked all different amount of hours at the same work and received the same pay.
But he answered one of them, "I am not being unfair to you, friend.  didn't you agree to work for a denarius?  Take your pay and go.  I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you.  Don't I have the right to do what I want with my own money?  Or are you envious because I am generous?  Socialist because everyone got the same and capitalist because it was his money to do what he wanted to.  What are your ideas?  God is Good.

On this day
1977 - One of my co-workers got lucky and married well.  He was a bright guy, but a POA, big time.  He had very little social acumen - could not relate to people.  He married a gal whose father owned a large construction equipment company and John went to work for him.  On this day they had a reception, It didn't say whether it was an engagement party or wedding reception, but it didn't include dinner, we had that at Chris's house after. So the message here is even if you don't have a lot of personality you can still marry well and be happy.  GO!

1945 - The U.S. government announced the end of shoe rationing This would be horrible Nicole!

This is a plea to mothers everywhere.  It is so easy to put a dinner together in 15 or 20 minutes.  Make a salad that your family likes.  Have a piece of meat - 1 burger, 1 steak, 1 chicken whatever, 1 fish serving and add a quick potato, rice or pasta. Open a canned or frozen veggie and heat.  Walla, dinner and sit together and eat.  Here are the questions for dinner - Dad did you have a good day?  Mom what did you do today?  Children oldest to youngest - best/worse part of your day from oldest to youngest.  The youngest last because if they tell first their is no reason for them to listen to the rest.  I am a big fan of spending at least part of the day in the family unit, this is the perfect opportunity. Oh, and don't let those kids eat all day long, a treat (fruit) after school and then stop so they are ready for dinner.  Don't set them up for failure with their adult diets.  Just my opinion.

Book Club - The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
last report  This went into the Nascar racing story with non other than the Scots/Irish at the helm.

Jekabpils Latvia - crafts

Latvian folk arts and crafts at the exhibition in Riga

I've decided to share some photos from the amazing exhibition of traditional Latvian folk art "The song gets otherwise", that I had visited last summer in Riga. Wonderfully presented pieces of art.

My personal paradise.

beautiful to see and buy for souveniers if you want!  We are leaving here tomorrow.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  

Thursday, October 29, 2015

October 29, 2015 Thursday #circuittraining#Godfirst#NOW#OKcookies#shopLatvia!

Get Fit
Circuit training aerobics and weights today.  This is pretty easy to find on line, on tv or on a video.  It is a very popular exercise trend these days.  Try it!  They probably have it at your gym too.

Get Faith
Matthew chapter 19:23 - "Then Jesus said to his disciples, Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven." He said hard not impossible.  The catch is not to love your money more than God.  Now that's hard.  I pray to God to keep me close and that is why He keeps me poor - I think.  Worship can keep you on the right track.

On this day
1975 -  Who remembers Alice Doesn't Day?  It was, I believe a creation of NOW - National Organization of Women.  I think we weren't supposed to do all those things people expected us to do because we were women.  So I told Pete that I wasn't making dinner and he promptly went out and left me home.  Anyone else remember this? or have an experience?

1966 - The National Organization for Women was founded. I guess that wasn't too random.

As Mom's we can stop the habit of people - men and women, of taking us for granted.  Just because we are mom doesn't mean we are subject to everything, everyone needs, right?  Can I get some support here?  Probably not because it has worked and we created the situation in the first place.  No, I am not baking cookies today!  There.

Book club
Has everyone read my book Come Get These Memories of the Sixties?  Why not?  Actually, it appears to be doing pretty good and I am getting good reviews but I won't find out how well until the end of November.  I hope you enjoyed the book if you bought it.

 Jekabpils Latvia - Last minute sights and purchases!  Here is a link to shopping!  Have fun!

Enjoy the Day  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Barbara, Ashley and Katie!  

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

October 28, 2015 Wednesday #abs#accept#costume#candy#ogreorowl

Get Fit
I worked out with Denise this morning.  Super Stomachs.  waiting.

Get Faith
Matthew chapter 19:8  This is about divorce and Jesus was questioned to test him by the Pharisees. (These are the guys who like to tell everyone about the rules).  This is a typical wedding reading but goes on about divorce.  They questioned him about Moses' stand on divorce and Jesus replied Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. Jesus went on to explain about exceptions to marriage.  Jesus is understanding and accepting, but will judge those who judge.

 On this day
1967  My fiancee and I went to a Halloween party dressed as Cleopatra and Ceasar.  Just a suggestion if you are looking - all you need is a sheet.  He was a very handsome Ceasar!

1904 - The St. Louis Police Department became the first to use fingerprinting. I wonder how long it took them to realize how accurate that system was - no two alike.

It is that time for trick or treating.  I gave Madison and Cameron their bag of candy just seconds before I left.  Actually, Cameron gave his to Maddy because he had a stomach ache already.  And there is a lesson in that for us.

Book Club  The Other Irish by Karen McCArthy
This is turning into a lesson on music history!

Jekabpils Latvia - more sightseeing!
This looks like a good thing to do today - looks a little seasonal!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

October 27, 2015 Tuesday #dance#forgive#sillydognose#forgive#LatviaHalloween

Get Fit
Did a little dancing with Rita today.  I need an energy boost to cope with my geography class.

Get Faith
Matthew chapter 18:21-35  This is about the servant who pleaded with his master to give him more time to pay back his debt.  The good master forgave the debt.  The servant than had a fellow servant punished for not paying him his money.  The master rescinded his forgiveness when he heard what the bad servant did.  Get what you give is the way I read this.

On this day:

Found this on my 2013 blog - the caption was "I hate this game"

1927 - The first newsreel featuring sound was released in New York. We have come a long way!

A nineteen year old girl was forgiven by her victim in court.  She had been driving drunk and ran into him causing health problems he will live with the rest of his life.  But he asked the court for leniency for her and she got 3 years probation.  Now that's forgiveness.  

Jekabpils Latvia - sightseeing
The Mārtiņdiena (Martin Day) holiday takes place when time period of the walking dead (Veļu laiks) concludes and the solving of riddles starts, and continues long into the night. On Mārtiņdiena, people exalt Mother Nature, provide special care horses, and prepare rooster soup. All this can be experienced in Turaida with members of various Latvian folklore collectives.
Mārtiņdiena in Turaida
The Latvian seasonal festivity "Mārtiņi" marks the beginning of winter, which traditionally is celebrated by welcoming roving mummers, gypsies, maskers, who enter homesteads singing, yacking, and playing games, at the same time bringing well wishes.
- See more at:

Wow this looks like fun!  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Sandi

Monday, October 26, 2015

October 26, 2015 Monday #contrology#angels#rakeinthefresh#spoiled#emergingcountry

Get Fit
Pilates (/pɪˈlɑːtz/;[1] German: [piˈlaːtəs]) is a physical fitness system developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates. It is practiced worldwide, and especially in western countries such as Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. As of 2005, there were 11 million people practicing the discipline regularly and 14,000 instructors in the United States.[2]
Pilates called his method "Contrology" (from "control" and Greek -λογία-logia).[3]  I have been doing Pilates for maybe 15 years and find great core strength in it, back, abs, legs everything.

Get Faith
Matthew 18:10  See that you do not despise one of these little ones.  For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.  This is Jesus talking about children.  I find the reference to "their angels in heaven"  interesting.  Do we all have a designated angel in heaven?  What do you think? Do they get special face time with God?

On this day
Autumn, cooler temperatures, beautiful colors - a lot of them laying on my lawn.  In 1987 I started raking in the morning with 2 year old Nicole, went in for lunch and a nap.  Back outside in the afternoon with Nicole, raking then back in for a short nap before dinner.  After dinner, back outside to rake with Nicole.  She went to bed early.  I only have two small trees in my yard on the boulevard now, back then I had a huge Ash tree in the yard and 4 more on the boulevard.  Do you have leaves to rake or does the lawn maintenance company take care of it?  It is a great exercise with fresh air - go ahead, rake some.

1881 - The "Gunfight at the OK Corral" took place in Tombstone, AZ. The fight was between Wyatt Earp, his two brothers and Doc Holiday and the Ike Clanton Gang. For you Don.

Nicole didn't nap much, she was on the go from when she got up till she fell asleep mid-sentence at night.  She played outside when weather was permitting and had a lot of neighborhood kids that came over everyday - my house was full.  Their was a sense of hierarchy, Nicole had all the toys and shared well so the older kids that came over took care of her, careful to make sure she was having a good time.  The other moms loved me.

Book club - The Other Irish
I am amazed at the history of music in this book - really a great read.

Jekabpils Latvia
 Latvia Social Culture | USA Today
The rural character of the national identity was promoted by the role of landscape in art and literature. An association of Latvian artists founded in 1929 argued "for art with a Latvian content and form," primarily in landscape painting. The result of this cultural policy was to include not only the recently emerged intellegentsia and middle classes but also those who lived in the countryside and worked the land.

Read more:

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Nicky and Michelle !

Sunday, October 25, 2015

October 25, 2015 Sunday

A day of Rest

Get Faith
The Transfiguration  - This is where Jesus takes Peter James and John with him to the mountain and he is transformed to his heavenly appearance and stands with Moses and Elijah.  The disciples are rightfully frightened and in awe of what they saw.  They want to stay there and keep Jesus and the others there - probably for their own keeping or comfort.  The last line here is something I don't remember reading before. Matthew 17:13  "Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them about John the Baptist.  I will have to ask Pastor about that.

On this day
1985  My baby was only 5 months old but I never stopped.  I was at Andy and Alice's, my mother in laws - out to Pam's.  I was on the phone with Tatjiana, Mom, and a number of others.  I was still nursing.  If you aren't home very much your house doesn't get messy and I guess you don't have to cook.  I actually don't remember spending this much time out, but now I know why my daughter is the same way, always on the go.

1415 - In Northern France, England won the Battle of Agincourt over France during the Hundred Years' War. Almost 6000 Frenchmen were killed while fewer than 400 were lost by the English. Most wars are futile, some are ridiculous.

It is hard to hold hands with a cat and type on the computer.  Parenting animals can be exhausting.

Book club - The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
The history of country music is huge in this group.  If you are a country fan you will love this!

Jekabpils Latvia
kabpils History Museum
The museum is located in an architectural monument of national importance, the Krustpils castle, and is one of the oldest municipal museums in Latvia. The museum was founded in 1920 and its collection amounts to approx. 40 000 exhibits. Various literary sources and other documents indicate different years of the construction of Krustpils castle, most often though the year 1237.

Krustpils pils

kabpils History Museum

The museum is located in an architectural monument of national importance, the Krustpils castle, and is one of the oldest municipal museums in Latvia. The museum was founded in 1920 and its collection amounts to approx. 40 000 exhibits. Various literary sources and other documents indicate different years of the construction of Krustpils castle, most often though the year 1237.
- See more at:  Lets go here today!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!   Happy BIrthday Diann

Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 24, 2015 Saturday #

Get Fit
I am having a hard time with my computer today. It is trully a workout in patience!  

Get Faith
Matthew 16:21 "From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerulsalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life."  It is hard for me to imagine that people (as mentioned) could be so wrong in their judgement and act so unwisely on the life of another.  Oh, wait that happens everyday doesn't it?  Too bad for this group that acted that way about the Son of God.

On this day
1984 - This memory for my friend Chris.  I mentioned that Tom Martin was in all   day.  I think some designers would save up 10 or more framings for customers and then just plan on spending the whole day there.  I believe he was a manageable customer - not like some.  There were those that spent half the day looking for prints in the old print collection and then the rest of the day designing framing.  It was creative work - I enjoyed it. And most like Tom were a pleasure to work with - but time consuming.

1901 - Daredevil Anna Edson Taylor became the first person to go over Niagara Falls in a wooden barrel. She was 63 years old. What was she thinking?

I made a point of sitting and talking to our new Pastors son last night at the Octoberfest.  He is a high schooler, maybe 9th grade starting a new school in a new state.  He is also a red head - which can be tough unless you are Prince Harry.  As the old youth leader there I felt it my duty to tell him about the resident ghost at church as I believe that only Gerry U, has slept more nights there than I.  He enjoyed the story as did his father who reminded me that the Holy Ghost is present there, to which I replied - Yeah, I don't think it was Him.  :)

Book Club - The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
Promised myself reading time today!

Jekabpils Latvia  more music!

Harlem Shake [Latvia - Jekabpils]

Organizātori -------------- Vsevolods Žguns profils: Sandis Bogačenkovs profils: http://www.draug...This is interesting.  :?

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Sandra and Sue!

Friday, October 23, 2015

October 23, 2015 Friday #streccccch#onguard!#fall#check#countrymusic#kokle

Get Fit
Do you rest up for the weekend or get your workout in so as not to interfere with weekend plans?   When you work, I know a lot of people that plan to go to the gym on Saturday.  Try to find something you can work in each day - just parking farther from the store door helps!  I worked out with a resistance band today, with Richard - just a little something to tone up those muscles.

Get Faith
Matthew 16:5  "When they went across the lake, the disciples forgot to take bread. Be careful, Jesus said to them. Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.   This reminds me that yeast makes things rise and grow and seemingly better.  It also reminds me that bad things begin as a rumor, uprisings to encourage hate and arguements to separate people from each other.  What warning do you see Jesus bringing up here?

On this day
1983 -  Andy and Alice, Ty and Norma and Mark and I were up in St Helen for the weekend.  The guys went hunting, well maybe Andy did and it must have been bow hunting.  My Mom and her husband Bob came down and we all had dinner before we headed south for home and Mom went back up to Gaylord where she lived then.  I remember it to be a nice fall weekend with great friends and family.  Try to hang on to your good memories!

1910 - Blanche S. Scott became the first woman to make a public solo airplane flight in the United States. Anyone remember this lady?  I guess you have to get lost to be remembered.

I was watching TV the other night and was reminded of something I have seen a lot, in life and on TV.  A parent, even in out and out proof that their child is guilty of something will not accept it and make excuses for their child.  We all do that to an extent.  I was wondering while I watched it if the child's behavior was based on a parent allowing bad behavior and making excuses for them when they are little.  I wonder what the study on this would look like.

Book Club - The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy (yes still)
I have moved into the country music aspect of this heritage.  Very, Very interesting.

Jekabpils Latvia - music continued


Accompaniment to the village songs is played on various traditional instruments, the most important of which is the kokle, a type of zither related to the Finnish kantele. In the 1970s, artists like Jānis Porikis and Valdis Muktupāvels led a revival in kokle music, which had only survived in the Courland/Kurzeme and Lettgallia/Latgale regions. The Latvian-exile community abroad, especially in the United States, has also kept kokle traditions alive. In the last hundred years a new kind of kokle was developed, with many more strings, halftones levelers and other improvements that expand the capacities of the instrument to play not only modal music but, in other point of view, displeased more traditional musicians. This kind of instrument is called "concert kokle". However, there is currently only one concert kokle maker left, though he is to begin training apprentices with the help of EU grants.  sounds like a good business to get into!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable! 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

October 22, 2015 Thursday #armsup#urfamily#accept#Dainas!

Get Fit
Abs and Arms with Tamilee.  I use 5 lb weights and my arms are tired when I am done.  You should try and push yourself a little if it seems too easy.  Start out with water bottles (full) and work up if you don't have  weights.  I saw my mom lose her ability to put curlers in her own hair after a while because she couldn't hold her arms up.

Get Faith
Matthew 15:21-28  The faith of a Canaanite woman.  She came to Him crying and screaming to heal her daughter who was possessed with demons.  Jesus said he was sent to heal only the lost sheep of Israel.  She continued until he finally agreed to heal her daughter and it was done.  Do you feel like you don't belong to the family of God?  Jesus says otherwise and will answer your prayers - have faith.

On this day
1980 - A long lost memory.  I went to a retirement party with my ex- Denny at the Polish Club.  It must have been required because we never went out anywhere, he was a stay at home guy. (Watch for my book on the 70's).  I won $50 at the party!

1975 Gay sergeant challenges the Air Force This before the Aids crisis that fired up people who were anti homesexual.  It is still a challenge but we are making advances in acceptance.  It is not a behavior choice folks, it is the same as brown or blonde or black hair,  it is the same as blue/brown eyes - tall or short - white or black.  Get used to it, be part of the better world.

Before I had a daughter that was gay, I had gay friends, worked with a lot of gay people in the interior design place and socialized openly with gay friends.  They were fun, creative, strong, and emotional - just like my straight friends. 

Book Club - The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy

Jekabpils Latvia - music

Traditional Latvian music is often set to traditional poetry called dainas, featuring pre-Christian themes and legends, drone vocal styles and Baltic zithers.


Traditional Latvian folklore, especially the dance of the folk songs, date back well over a thousand years. More than 1.2 million texts and 30,000 melodies of folk songs have been identified.[1]
Dainas are very short, usually only one or two stanzas, unrhymed and in a four-footed trochaic metre. Lyrically, dainas concern themselves with native mythology but, in contrast to most similar forms, do not have any legendary heroes. Stories often revolve around pre-Christian deities like the sun goddess Saule, the moon god Meness and, most notably, the life of people, especially its three most important events - birth, wedding and death (including burial). The first collection of dainas was published between 1894 and 1915 as Latvju Dainas by Krišjānis Barons.
Latvju tautas mūzikas materiāli, translated in English as the Materials of Latvian Folk Music is the anthology and commentary of Latvian folk. It analysed 5999 items of Latvian ethnography published in 6 editions from 1894 to 1926 by the Latvian musicologist and composer Andrejs Jurjāns (1856-1922).[2][3]
Latvju tautas mūzikas materiāli Sestā grāmata (the sixth book) was published posthumously in Riga, 1926. On page 1 latvju komponistu biedrības izdevums is inscribed, translated as the Latvian Society of Composers edition. [4]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Katie!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

October 21, 2015 Wednesday #Dance#dontjudge#busy#edustyle#goodwords#

Get Fit
Dancing is a great way to keep your weight down.  People used to ask me if I exercised and I would say no.  I used to go out to the clubs dancing maybe 3 or  4 times a week.  I loved to dance.  Find a dance class or exercise video, like Disco with Richard Simmons.  It's fun and you forget you are exercising!

Get Faith
Matthew 15:9  "They worship me in vain, their teachings are merely human rules."  When you go to church and look at another and find fault in their life, maybe you should pray harder for yourself to keep your mind on your faith.  Jesus loved everyone and welcomed them, we should too.

On this day
1979 - 36 years ago I wrote about doing a thorough house cleaning, washing down shelves etc.  What I did on that one day would take me a week now.  I always say "I didn't retire to clean house."  Now I have to make a date with myself to clean because I'm so socially busy.  Tsk  If you are one of those people that LOVE to clean - call me.

1879 - Thomas Edison invented the electric incandescent lamp. It would last 13 1/2 hours before it would burn out. Omigosh I would have to change the bulb everyday!!!!

Depending on your age and where you went to school, education can be very different.  I was taught to sit at my desk and listen and judged on what I produced from listening.  There were others as I got older, like the Montesorri schools that taught on a more open style, freer type classes.  Nicole was more like mine but with  somewhat more freedom in class, I think.  I suppose it depends on the child which style works the best.  I would have been better off in a freer setting, I think.  I remember a lot of day dreaming during class.

Book Club  The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
Reading now about Johnny Cash and June.  They were both of this descendancy.

 Hi! Sveiki! Play Sound
 Good morning! Labrīt! Play Sound
 Good day! Labdien! Play Sound
 Good Evening! Labvakar! Play Sound
 Hello! How are you? Labdien! Kā jums klājas? Play Sound
 Fine, thanks. And you? Paldies, labi. Un jums? Play Sound
 Glad to see you again.  Priecājos jūs atkal redzēt

Enjoy the Day Make it memorale!  Happy Birthday Millie and Linda! 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

October 20, 2015 Tuesday #hips#faithinforgiveness#cards#kidslearn

Get Fit
Do you have problems with your hips feeling stiff?  Like you can't twist like you used to?  Me too.  I found a set of stretches for hips on the internet and tried that this morning.  They are a combination of Pilates and Yoga that I have done on other occasions.  Some are tougher than others, but it did feel good. (Afterwards)  Don't accept that you can't move anymore because you are getting older - fight it, try to work at it.

Get Faith
Matthew 14:22-27  This passage about Jesus walking on the water is about trust and faith.  Our God is an awesome God, He can do wondrous things - but not to show off his powers.  He wants you to know that he CAN do all things for you, because he is powerfull in his love for us.  What father would not proclaim to move heaven and earth for his child out of love?  God, your father came to earth to show you how to love and how much He loves you.  Even more than walking on water, He died on the cross to save you from your sins.  You are forgiven in His great love.

On this day
1978 - My friend Linda came over for dinner and we played cards all night.  I always say I don't enjoy cards, but I think I'm changing my mind.  When we were up at my friend Chris's last weekend we played cards and I did enjoy it - anyone want a game?  What do you play? 

1774 - The new Continental Congress, the governing body of America’s colonies, passed an order proclaiming that all citizens of the colonies "discountenance and discourage all horse racing and all kinds of gaming, cock fighting, exhibitions of shows, plays and other expensive diversions and entertainment."  Would cards fall under this?  Only if playing for money I guess.

All the years I went to The Gathering  between Christmas and New Years, which was a 4 day lock in event for high schoolers at a hotel in Lansing, My favorite thing was to see the bonding and commaraderie that the kids had.  There were always events like Mass, Bible study, games, music, speakers on topics of interest to them.  But it was the free time that they sat in the hall on the floor and played cards that I'm thinking of.  They were not allowed to hang out in their rooms - unless the doors were open, but they chose to sit in the hallways to meet others from groups they didn't know.  My daughter still goes, but now she is the director of this event, which is actually run by the high schoolers, she organizes.

Book Club - reading

Jekabpils Latvia - Education

The Center for Education Initiatives

Photograph of three young studentsThe implementation of the Step by Step program in Latvia started in 1997 as a project of the Soros Foundation - Latvia. To maintain the Step by Step program activities and network of schools and pre-schools that were involved in the project, a non-profit organization, the Center for Education Initiatives (CEI) was established in the beginning of 2001. The aim of the CEI is to raise awareness about children and family rights in society, to promote the dissemination of the ideas of democratic education, and to facilitate the introduction and reinforcement of a child-centred approach in the educational system of Latvia. Now the Step by Step network is wide-spread over the country, involving schools and pre-schools from all regions of Latvia. New Step by Step classrooms are being opened every school year with the support of the local/regional governments and parents.

To reach its aims the CEI’s activities are:

  • Advocate for policy to ensure that every child regardless of gender, race, religion, nationality or ability has the opportunity to develop to his or her full potential
  • Provide in-service training and technical assistance on early childhood education and parent/community involvement to teachers and other education professionals, parents and policy makers. The CEI offers thirty-nine different seminars and workshops
  • Develop new teacher resources and learning materials for early age learners oriented to be used in child-centered classrooms
  • Offer materials of its resource center (teachers/parents support books, children’s books, videos and journals) to lend to teachers, parents, communities, teacher training institutions and policymakers
  • Develop new training programs according the data collected about most urgent needs of educators and parents
  • Provide opportunities to share knowledge and experience through local and central media, as well as abroad
Since its registration in June 2001 till the end of 2003 there have been trained 5457 participants at the CEI seminars and workshops: 2502 pre-school teachers, 2424 primary teachers, 340 parents and 191 representatives of local governments and non-governmental organizations.
The CEI organization includes the network seven Teacher Training Centers covering all parts of Latvia (in Riga, Liepaja, Ogre, Jekabpils, Valmiera, Daugavpils and Jelgava), which operate with the aim of strengthening the most successful Step by Step model sites, to popularize the ideas of the program, and to provide students’ practice.
The CEI implements its projects with the financial support of the Open Society Institute, the European Commission Phare and Socrates programmes, and the local/regional governments.
In June 2000 a unique for Latvia civic organization was founded, the Step by Step Parent Association, by the parents from Step by Step project schools from different regions of Latvia. The association is one of the CEI partners. The association has set the following objectives:
  • to encourage public awareness and advocacy for equality and quality issues in education
  • to facilitate the reforms in education focused on implementing of the child-centered approach to teaching and learning
  • to promote parents and the broader community participation in education
The association organizes its conferences yearly. The Parliament members, the Ministers of Education, the Chief of the State Inspectorate of Education and other leading specialists of education have participated at those conferences. The association has been involved in discussions in mass media about urgent issues of early childhood education reforms to advocate for inclusion of children with special needs and minority children (Roma), and for new understanding of aims, content and methods of education.  Interesting,  what do you think?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Aaron G

Monday, October 19, 2015

October 19, 2015 Monday #Pilates!#follow#prompt#racial#strolling minstrels

Get Fit
After a beautiful but sedentary 4 days of riding around in the car seeing the fall/winter (it snowed) colors, I eased back into a routine of exercise with Pilates.  My back needed it!

Get Faith
Matthew 14:13-16  The amazing thing to me is that as Matthew reports the gospel here it follows the part where Jesus is told that John the Baptist, his cousin, the messenger that proclaimed His coming was murdered.  Did He get mad?  Did he get depressed? No, he fed the 5,000.  God loves us no matter what some of us do.  Follow His example.

On this day
1977 - My journal entry starts with - worked got there on time.  Now I don't remember being late a lot, it wouldn't surprise me, but now I am almost always on time or early.  I can't stand to be late.  I never was at Clancy's.  I was so dependable that the boss would load up a truck and leave the shop (completely unattended and open)  at 5 to 8 - because he knew I would be there. Often I would wave to him going by me on the road.  I wonder when that changed?  What about you - do you like to be fashionably late? 

1977 - The Concorde made its first landing in New York City. I wonder if it was on time?

Maybe as a parent I started making sure that Nicole was on time for school.  I believe she is a very punctual person now.

Book Club
Definately going to finish The Other Irish this week - going through the racial issues and how devided this group was - some were slave owners and others worked the underground railroad.

Jekabpils Latvia - Culture
  I am thinking this was from a story The Minstrels of ?
Linguistic Affiliation. Latvian belongs to the Baltic group of languages. Livonian, a Finno-Ugric language is now almost extinct but is experiencing a revival. By the twelfth century a common language was spoken. Russian has had a strong influence on religious vocabulary, while German has influenced the domestic vocabulary.

Read more:

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable! 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

October 14, 2015 Wednesday #Pilates#words#FordElite#

Get Fit  Here is a start to Pilates.  Try it, you may like it better than jumping around.

Get Faith
Matthew 12:37 - "For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."  Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees, because they had a habit of telling people how they were sinning and would be condemned.  We need to not preach from that lofty place ourselves or we might fall off.  Jesus reminded the Pharisees that the commandments were made for the good of man not as a measure they would be condemned by to hold over their heads.

On this day
1974 -  Who doesn't remember their first brand new car?  I picked up my 1975 Ford Elite on this day.  It was beautiful, a dark bronze with the copper landau? roof.  It had the soft cushy fabric interior with all the buttons and bells.  The payment on it was the same as my house payment and I kept it as long as I worked two jobs - about a year and a half.  It cost $4,600.00. 

1912 - Theodore Roosevelt was shot while campaigning in Milwaukee, WI. Roosevelt's wound in the chest was not serious and he continued with his planned speech. William Schrenk was captured at the scene of the shooting. Surprised this doesn't happen more often.

Enjoyed my georgraphy class with Madison and Cameron yesterday.  Note to self - don't use video's that show ancient people to this age group - quite often the subjects are not dressed.  And Melissa and I enjoyed the US States game more than expected, I think.... Melissa?

Jekabpils Latvia - a little more history


Latvia was predominantly Lutheran, but in the first half of the eighteenth century Moravian missionaries made significant headway, despite the opposition of the German landlords who controlled the Lutheran clergy. The Imperial government proscribed the Moravians 1743–1764. Latvian nationalism was strongly supported by a revival of the language, including the translation of many foreign works. The Imperial government sponsored the Russian Orthodox Church, as part of its program of russification, but Lutheranism remained the dominant religion, except Latgale where Catholicism was dominant. Other Protestant missions had some success including the Baptists, Methodists and Seventh Day Adventists.[10]  Must be why I have seen so many Latvian Pastors lately.  I like them!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

October 13, 2015 Tuesday #link#Jesusday#forDon#creepers#freedom

Get Fit  try this and see how you like it.

Get Faith
Matthew 12:8 - For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath. This is how Jesus answered the Pharisees when they criticized his behavior of feeding his disciples on the sabbath.  I'm thinking the greater good here.  Yes, our first concern and love is for God, but to ignore the needs of the same people that he tells us to love would be going against His commandment to love thy neighbor. 

On this day
2013 - After Nicole and I went to Christ Lutheran out in Sterling Heights, I dropped her off at the golf course to play a round with Don.  It was a beautiful sunny 70 degreee day and when they got back I had chili and cupcakes waiting.  A day to remember.  As much as I hate summer being over I do like Autumn days.
1843 - B'nai B'rith, the Jewish organization, was founded by Henry Jones and eleven others in New York City, NY.Henry Jones doesn't sound jewish to me, but what do I know.

I miss the days when the kids and I would decorate up the yard and porch for halloween.  We filled those big plastic bags that were shaped like pumpkins and a spider with leaves and stuffed old clothes to look like creepers sitting on the front porch.  What fun!  The families with young kids on my street still do it! 

Book Club
On hold till next week, no time to read this week.

Jekabpils Latvia - history
From the mid-1940s, the country was subject to Soviet economic control and saw considerable Russification of its peoples. However, Latvian culture and infrastructures survived and, during the period of Soviet liberalisation under Mikhail Gorbachev, Latvia once again took a path towards independence, eventually succeeding in August 1991 to be recognised by Russia the following month. Since then, under restored independence, Latvia has become a member of the United Nations, entered NATO and joined the European Union. A sucess story!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable! 

Monday, October 12, 2015

October 12, 2015 Monday #Happythanksigiving Canada!#Love thy neighbor#respect#independence!

Get Fit
Got a couple circuits in with Jillian this morning - good start to the week!  Weights and calithenics!

Get Faith
Matthew 11:25  At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children."  As I move away for the Missouri Synod teaching I knew as a child, I am more embraced by God's simple word of love to His people.  Accept the teachings as a child, listen to the Bible as you would sitting at your mothers knee and know that His basic plea for you is to love God and love your neighbor.  Love.

On this day
2012 - This was my last day at Clancy Excavating.  It was a mixed bag of emotions.  I was proud of the job I did for them for 19 years, and satisfied that I had fulfilled my job responsibilities in training the new girl - without drama.  I was very disappointed that the two men, that I thought I had worked for and with, on a business and personal level, had so little respect or concern for me in the end.  I'm sure they have their own stories of how this went, as you probably do with your past or current jobs.

1792 - The first monument honoring Christopher Columbus was dedicated in Baltimore, MD. It took 300 years!

I'm sure there are people, probably men that think pitting their children against each other will give them an advantage in life.  It will teach them conflict and how to deal with it, frustration and how to handle it, competition and how to get to the top of the heap.  I agree that children need tools to learn a lot of these behaviors - I just feel that their siblings should be more of a cheering squad to support each other rather than the oppponent. What do you think?

Book Club  The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
Seriously I am going to finish this book, it's good!

Jekabpils Latvia
My computer is finally accepting this city.  A Latvian National Awakening arose in the 1850s and continued to bear fruit after World War I when, after two years of struggle in the Russian Civil War, Latvia finally won sovereign independence, as recognised by Russia in 1920 and by the international community in 1921. Latvia's independent status was interrupted at the outset of World War II in 1940, when the country was forcibly incorporated into the Soviet Union, invaded and occupied by Nazi Germany in 1941, then retaken by the Soviets in 1944–45.  That was a short independence.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Mark and Bekah! 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

October 11, 2015 Sunday #dieting#walkthewalk#pumpkins#Pennys#lovemydaughter#politics!

Get Fit
Going to a birthday party and will insist on a very small piece of cake and a tablespoon of ice cream.
Are you laughing at me?

Get Faith
Matthew chapter 11:1   "After Jesus had finished instructing his twelve disciples, he went on from there to teach and preach in the towns of Galilee."  His work was never done and He calls us to remember to reach out to one another continually as well.  Your kindness and caring is your gift to others.  Share it freely and remember who it comes from.

On this day
2009   I took Mom up to New Baltimore for breakfast after church and then went pumpkin shopping at the area farms.  Such a beautiful time of year for that occasion.  I have made up for all the bad times Mom and I had when I was a teenager.  Now we can sit and laugh at the good times we had.

1929 - JCPenney opened a store in Milford, DE, making it a nationwide company with stores in all 48 states. Makes me want to go shopping there, for historical reasons.

My daughter finished reading my book and came out of her room crying.  The end is sad, as is a lot of things in life, but it wasn't the end.  She wrote a wonderful book report on facebook and shared her opinion of my story.  Then I cried.  She is singularly the best moment of my life, all of them.

Book Club - The Other Irish by Karen McCarthy
I'm not a fan of politics - I do get outspoken about my opinions and then regret that I shared them usually.  We all have opinions - you know the saying.  This book is telling me where all these crazy politicians sprang from, and although they have the same heritage they NEVER share the same opinion.  Have you ever been in a room with two Scots arguing politics?  Bad.

Jekabpils Latvia - more history
Due to Latvia's strategic location and prosperous city of Riga, its territories were a frequent focal point for conflict and conquest between at least four major powers: the State of the Teutonic Order (later Germany), the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, Sweden and Russia. The longest period of external hegemony in the modern period began in 1710, when control over Riga switched from Sweden to Russia during the Great Northern War. Under Russian control, Latvia was in the vanguard of industrialisation and the abolition of serfdom, so that by the end of the 19th century, it had become one of the most developed parts of the Russian Empire. The increasing social problems and rising discontent that this brought meant that Riga also played a leading role in the 1905 Russian RevolutionIt is good to get a perspective of this with Russian history. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Jan, Tom, Marilyn and Keith!