Wednesday, October 28, 2015

October 28, 2015 Wednesday #abs#accept#costume#candy#ogreorowl

Get Fit
I worked out with Denise this morning.  Super Stomachs.  waiting.

Get Faith
Matthew chapter 19:8  This is about divorce and Jesus was questioned to test him by the Pharisees. (These are the guys who like to tell everyone about the rules).  This is a typical wedding reading but goes on about divorce.  They questioned him about Moses' stand on divorce and Jesus replied Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. Jesus went on to explain about exceptions to marriage.  Jesus is understanding and accepting, but will judge those who judge.

 On this day
1967  My fiancee and I went to a Halloween party dressed as Cleopatra and Ceasar.  Just a suggestion if you are looking - all you need is a sheet.  He was a very handsome Ceasar!

1904 - The St. Louis Police Department became the first to use fingerprinting. I wonder how long it took them to realize how accurate that system was - no two alike.

It is that time for trick or treating.  I gave Madison and Cameron their bag of candy just seconds before I left.  Actually, Cameron gave his to Maddy because he had a stomach ache already.  And there is a lesson in that for us.

Book Club  The Other Irish by Karen McCArthy
This is turning into a lesson on music history!

Jekabpils Latvia - more sightseeing!
This looks like a good thing to do today - looks a little seasonal!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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