Tuesday, October 27, 2015

October 27, 2015 Tuesday #dance#forgive#sillydognose#forgive#LatviaHalloween

Get Fit
Did a little dancing with Rita today.  I need an energy boost to cope with my geography class.

Get Faith
Matthew chapter 18:21-35  This is about the servant who pleaded with his master to give him more time to pay back his debt.  The good master forgave the debt.  The servant than had a fellow servant punished for not paying him his money.  The master rescinded his forgiveness when he heard what the bad servant did.  Get what you give is the way I read this.

On this day:

Found this on my 2013 blog - the caption was "I hate this game"

1927 - The first newsreel featuring sound was released in New York. We have come a long way!

A nineteen year old girl was forgiven by her victim in court.  She had been driving drunk and ran into him causing health problems he will live with the rest of his life.  But he asked the court for leniency for her and she got 3 years probation.  Now that's forgiveness.  

Jekabpils Latvia - sightseeing
The Mārtiņdiena (Martin Day) holiday takes place when time period of the walking dead (Veļu laiks) concludes and the solving of riddles starts, and continues long into the night. On Mārtiņdiena, people exalt Mother Nature, provide special care horses, and prepare rooster soup. All this can be experienced in Turaida with members of various Latvian folklore collectives.
Mārtiņdiena in Turaida
The Latvian seasonal festivity "Mārtiņi" marks the beginning of winter, which traditionally is celebrated by welcoming roving mummers, gypsies, maskers, who enter homesteads singing, yacking, and playing games, at the same time bringing well wishes.
- See more at: http://www.latvia.travel/en/event/martindiena-turaida#sthash.5VZn9msN.dpuf

Wow this looks like fun!  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Sandi

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